Friday, November 28, 2014

Christmas Scenery Card

Store- More product  information:
  Christmas Scenerry Card - Don Robbins Note Cards The NewC
Quality of picture is better from Cafepress. This card looks good. Nice Christmas card to send to everyone on your list. Packs.
  • Measures 4.25" x 5.5"
  • 10 cards per pack / envelopes included
  • Available in your choice of paper finish: matte or glossy
  • High quality, chlorine and acid free matte paper
  • 30% post consumer waste & 50% recycled fiber

  • Wednesday, November 26, 2014

    Obama Knew About Hiring Illegal Incentives Before AHC Bill Was Passed. Illegals hired for three thousand dollars less to businesses than American workers.

              I think the Obama Care opponents knew that before the bill was passed.
              Obama did too!

    Add to script for Johnny Depp-

    Sunday, November 23, 2014

    Forty Thousand Bodies- Translated

    Forty thousand bodies

    cuarenta mil cuerpos


    If you’re an “X” they report it this way.


      If you’re a “O” they report it another way or not at all.


    Si usted es una "X" que informan de esta manera.


       Si usted es un "O" que informan de otra manera o no en absoluto.


    Saturday, November 15, 2014

    Mandates Do Not Mean Standard Of Care- Your Rights -Medical =COLUSION

    Meeting required mandates does not mean mandates equal a standard of care. It doesn't mean a right to health care equal to the average policy holder.
      Mandates do not create a standard of care; quality health care has nothing to do with mandates.

       The legal definition of the care you had the right to receive from a care giver was found in guidelines of criteria. Each patient was guaranteed the right to the same basic care in the hospital or doctors office under a guideline of criteria. That system of provider ship is now non existent.
       Obama care guaranteed that you don't have the same rights to health care. Mandates do not cover criteria. The standard of care is a meaningless term.
      There is no legal definition to the care you receive, now. The only actual legal definition now, is the mandate set forth by the Affordable Health Care Act. Health care can mean anything. There is no determination of what is required by hospitals in the circumstance of care giving to the patient.

        If a certain procedure is not specifically covered on your policy, the hospital is not legally bound to follow any previous protocol in care giving.

    Colusion between hospitals and insurance companies is prevailent under Obama care.   
    Hospitals can  work out plans with insurance companies with respect to what they (the insurance companies) want to actually pay for, according to the policy language in legal terms.

        Ok, now, mandates are not what is agreed upon with respect to those negotiations. You will experience differing levels of quality in your care, depending on the coverage you have and the new proceedures covering your care at the hospital.
        The days of equal care ended with Obama Care. Obama Care Ended Equal Coverage Under Criteria.


    You lost rights with Obamacare, not gained rights. Without Criteria-

      When it comes to patient care. It's a matter of procedures that are followed and guidelines that are checked with respect to patient welfare. (It was until Obamacare.)
      Those procedural guidelines and every day protocols are called criteria.
      Was criteria checked? Stanford Medical Tragedy
      Do procedures have anything to do with discharge or patient safety, anymore, under Obamacare?
       What is being cut out of normal tests and procedures with Obamacare?
       Is criteria being met with patients or not?

       They just keep saying quality, affordable care, but where's the criteria doc? Where's the CRITERIA?
       Is criteria and procedural guidelines a part of the medical protocols now? Yes or no?
       The answer is no. Not under Obamacare.

       Without Criteria as a guideline of care, you do not have the same rights as others if you have a less expensive policy or if you are  on Medicaid. Your care depends on what is covered on the policy you hold, not on procedure or criteria.
       With Obamacare you have actually lost the right to guaranteed health care. And lost the rights protections of equal health care.
       You lost rights with Obamacare, not gained rights.
       You lost fair treatment under Obamacare.


    Friday, November 14, 2014

    Illegal Immigration "Actual Problems"- Obama's Strategy Wont Work- Legalize Illegals Doesn't Work

      We don't have an immigration system problem. It's a crime and law enforcement breakdown in other countries and in the boarder states; problem.  The federal government patrols are overwhelmed with immigrant flight out of countries to the north of South America and South of Mexico. Discrimination on the part of Tex  -Mex Americans, working in the system, towards the new waves of immigrants from Central American nations lends to the overall problem, although not much is mentioned by the media or officials about the exploitations that begin in Mexico. The basis of the crime structures that feed off of the illegal immigrant trade, starts in Mexico. The illegal trade in trafficking immigrants has been a continual problem in Mexico with respect to crime. And organized crime.

       Law enforcement in the United States is kept at a minimum for budget and political reasons, leaving departments strapped. As the numbers of illegals grew the number of law enforcement agents also grew proportionally. That didn't help. Keeping the same lawman-illegal immigrant ratio didn't improve matters. Matters got worse and at the same time more money and time was being spent to combat the problem. Overall crime rates also went up on areas without any assistance by the government in hot spots, like the Brooks ranch. (See the Weather Channel Documentary.)

        Domestic violence and organized syndicated crime factions in Central America has led to more flight away from the threats and intimidation's. Poverty fuels the problems associated with gang violence and government apathy in the central American countries. More corruption and less concern, as well as some levels of government and police exploitations, are some of the other root causes of the increases in illegal immigrants flowing into America.

       It is also easy for the American government and major corporations to write off American workers who have struggled in the past without good jobs or who are stuck in the poverty groove of low wages. Medical problems or even injuries on the job could cause workers to lose wages. Economic downturn during the Bush-Obama years didn't help matters. It may be easier for Obama  to sweep away those workers and replace them with immigrants. Or maybe he just doesn't like poor working people to begin with. Stick people on Welfare and forget about them, seems to be one of the Democrats perpetual answers to problems with law abiding working people in this country.

        Just legalize the illegals and PROBLEM SOLVED! Legalize child abuse and PROBLEM SOLVED. Legalize drugs and PROBLEM SOLVED! Stand against what is right and legalize what is wrong seems to be Obama's answer to more and more topics. But that strategy doesn't work.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    Vatican SHUT UP!!! Impeach Obama!!!

       The best thing to start with in the NEW SENATE is to begin impeachment against the  president as soon as possible.

       The second major concern should be to seal off the boarder and assume some responsibility over the terrorist regimes imbedded from Mexico and the criminal elements set up by the Mexican government to sabotage American peace and tranquility.

       The next thing after that should be to send a message to the Vatican to back off and keep their Anti Christ -anti American ideas to themselves.
    Anti American Vatican Rhetoric

       If you can't say anything positive about America, why don't you just shut up!

    Saturday, November 1, 2014

    This Is What I Know- I Believe Sandusky Is Innocent- I believe There Was Foul Play Covered Up By The Prosecutors.

      Alamo bowl- Nothing happened between Sandusky and the child he saw with his wife at the game. There were no charges dropped because there were no charges filed in the first place. The suspicions were dropped about Sandusky after the kid admitted nothing happened between him and Jerry Sandusky.

      1998- Calhoun (Smeal building ) Nothing happened in the building. There was no person seen by anybody in the building that evening. There was no suspicious activities. It's doubtful that Calhoun was in the building. Petrosky said he did not see any suspicious person that evening in the building. *He changed his testimony at the court, when Sandusky went on trial.

      1998 Shower Room (Student Athlete Services building) Not Sandusky-  * A man who looked like Sandusky with a (child impersonator) and George Steinbrenner and chauffer making a video- mocking a sexual assault.
       Sandusky was not present. Calhoun was apparently told it was Sandusky. (It wasn't Sandusky.)
       Office broken into later that week -where report on incident was probably filed. (In the Student Athletic Services building.)
        Security guard- myself and Calhoun witnessed the video taping in the shower room.
        *Ray Gricar- It was my theory that the security guard came up missing and Gricar traced the disappearance back to the shower room incident in 1998. And then Gricar came up missing.
     (Along with the report that the security guard wrote about the Steinbrenner-Sandusky look alike- incident. )

         2000- Lasch building shower room incident, where Petrosky saw, with Calhoun, the same man that Calhoun saw in the shower room in 1998. (Not Sandusky.) It wasn't Sandusky. The child imposter was probably with him at the time.

         2001- Shower room incident in the Student Athletic Services building. No person present in the shower room. Sounds only. Most likely, sounds from fake tape made in 1998. Some of the same people saw me- and played the sound effects when I entered the locker room- with the people touring the campus.
         Log entry about the incident in Paterno's notebook. (In the building where the incident happened.) Handwritten by Paterno.
    (I witnessed it.) I was there in the office when he wrote the notes on the incident.
         Other information about the incident was typed on a paper in the office in the Student Athletic Services building office-  (same office-and Paterno was there)- down the hall from the locker room. That paper was apparently filed in his office, by Schultz, and then forgotten about.

        2001- No other incident concerning a shower room on campus.
                   Nothing was reported in 2001 about Jerry Sandusky. The incident that McQueary reported was actually in 2002. The Prosecutors were wrong. Whatever evidence they had about the 2001 incident was in the Student Athletic Services building at 9:00 in the morning. That evidence has not been made public. There may have also been a video tape that people thought Sandusky was in , but wasn't. (It wasn't Sandusky.)

       2002- Nothing happened. -Mcqueary saw a man who looked like Sandusky with the little man. (Child imposter) Little man had light brown wavy hair, gray blue eyes, was about 4'7 feet tall. Weight about 100 pounds.

        It looks like there was an attempted frame up, on Jerry Sandusky- possibly an extortion attempt that went wrong. The security guard may have  came up missing after the report was filed. And the Gricar came up missing when he put the pieces of the puzzle together.
        Did the security guard come up missing? Was Gricar investigating the disaperance of the security guard?
        Did the look alike convince people he was Sandusky? Did he fondle children to make people believe it was Sandusky? We know he was making a video tape in the shower room in 1998. If people saw the tape they may have assumed it was Sandusky and then thought he was guilty. Is that the reason they became so motivated and sure he was guilty?

         I believe that is what happened. I believe that Sandusky is innocent.

                       ?    WHERE IS THE TAPE  ?