We don't have an immigration system problem. It's a crime and law enforcement breakdown in other countries and in the boarder states; problem. The federal government patrols are overwhelmed with immigrant flight out of countries to the north of South America and South of Mexico. Discrimination on the part of Tex -Mex Americans, working in the system, towards the new waves of immigrants from Central American nations lends to the overall problem, although not much is mentioned by the media or officials about the exploitations that begin in Mexico. The basis of the crime structures that feed off of the illegal immigrant trade, starts in Mexico. The illegal trade in trafficking immigrants has been a continual problem in Mexico with respect to crime. And organized crime.
Law enforcement in the United States is kept at a minimum for budget and political reasons, leaving departments strapped. As the numbers of illegals grew the number of law enforcement agents also grew proportionally. That didn't help. Keeping the same lawman-illegal immigrant ratio didn't improve matters. Matters got worse and at the same time more money and time was being spent to combat the problem. Overall crime rates also went up on areas without any assistance by the government in hot spots, like the Brooks ranch. (See the Weather Channel Documentary.)
Domestic violence and organized syndicated crime factions in Central America has led to more flight away from the threats and intimidation's. Poverty fuels the problems associated with gang violence and government apathy in the central American countries. More corruption and less concern, as well as some levels of government and police exploitations, are some of the other root causes of the increases in illegal immigrants flowing into America.
It is also easy for the American government and major corporations to write off American workers who have struggled in the past without good jobs or who are stuck in the poverty groove of low wages. Medical problems or even injuries on the job could cause workers to lose wages. Economic downturn during the Bush-Obama years didn't help matters. It may be easier for Obama to sweep away those workers and replace them with immigrants. Or maybe he just doesn't like poor working people to begin with. Stick people on Welfare and forget about them, seems to be one of the Democrats perpetual answers to problems with law abiding working people in this country.
Just legalize the illegals and PROBLEM SOLVED! Legalize child abuse and PROBLEM SOLVED. Legalize drugs and PROBLEM SOLVED! Stand against what is right and legalize what is wrong seems to be Obama's answer to more and more topics. But that strategy doesn't work.