Sunday, August 23, 2020

People from all kindred's, tongues, nationalities, "The Great Crowd"

   "People from all kindred's, tongues, nationalities, are gathered in the last days at the throne of Jesus. People out of tribulation. "The Great Crowd". 
   I revised the estimated size of the throne in earth measurements to 271 miles, square. Taking several factors into consideration I concluded that the base of the throne will start at one corner, near Tulsa Oklahoma and one corner will be in the Kansas City area, around Independence Missouri. 
   Knowing that the nation will not allow the gathering of all the people through immigration, a solution to the problem may come in the form of a separate nation. "A small nation" 
  The Small Nation: It is mentioned in the Bible, "The Small Nation" in several forms. But the main topic is of a nation that isn't a nation at all but a small group of people who attempt, through magic and sorcery with the Devil's help, try to take over the world. (During the end times.) 
   The "Truth" as a location ,with certain people who live in a certain place who prepare for the coming of Christ. A place called the "Truth" where he goes to during the end times.  Not the Throne of Christ but certainly in the location of the throne. My guess would be near the Camp of the Saints. The Sanctuary. (The Sanctuary being close to the Throne of Jesus.) Near Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

   The witness of Angels and sightings of at least one of the Beasts mentioned that are near the throne. * It may be of interest to some people in the Evangelical Community that some Angels are apparently very large and tall. Taller than trees. As tall as Redwoods. Or even taller. (Oral Roberts had made the statement that he witnessed an Angel at Oral Roberts University that stood taller than the tallest building on campus.) 
   I believe that spiritual aspects of the throne are created first and then it manifests into a physical structure. Many sightings of Angels and other things have happened in the past. I believe, leading up to the manifestation of the throne. 

   Why 271 miles? Because that is how far it is approximately to the site near Independence from the site of the sanctuary location near Tulsa.  I imagined the throne to have a square base. Making it 271 miles, square.
    I believe people will be warned who live in the location of where the base of the throne will set. Churches should be prepared to help people who are affected by the throne materializing. And offer support to those who come to the location from all over the world.

    Jesus will be in contact....
Real clouds over the location. 


     Use search at fineartamerica. Don Robbins. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Location Of The Throne End Times -Revelation 7: 9-11. Sanctuary- Great Crowd- Map- Picture

Shop Don Robbins Arts the end times approach the prophesy of the great white throne with Christ setting upon it and having the gathering of the great crowd around it. The Great Crowd, Revelation 7: 9-17.
  Then he said to me, “These people have come out of great hardship. They have washed their robes and made them white in the Lamb’s blood. 

  Where is the throne? Revelation: 7 -11. All the angels stood in a circle around the throne, and around the elders and the four living creatures.

   Out of the great tribulation, they come. To be washed in the blood and led to the waters of life by Christ. 

Then he said to me, “These people have come out of great hardship. They have washed their robes and made them white in the Lamb’s blood. 15 This is the reason they are before God’s throne. They worship him day and night in his temple, and the one seated on the throne will shelter them. 16 They won’t hunger or thirst anymore. No sun or scorching heat will beat down on them, 17 because the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water,[a] and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

    The throne sets between Tulsa and an area possibly to Kansas City. 


Location of the Great Throne- Great Crowd Revelation 7 9-11 End Times. Near Tulsa- To Kansas City? Map- Picture

  As the end times approach the prophesy of the great white throne with Christ setting upon it and having the gathering of the great crowd around it. The Great Crowd,  Revelation 7: 9-17.

  Then he said to me, “These people have come out of great hardship. They have washed their robes and made them white in the Lamb’s blood. 

  Where is the throne? Revelation: 7 -11. All the angels stood in a circle around the throne, and around the elders and the four living creatures.

   Out of the great tribulation, they come. To be washed in the blood and led to the waters of life by Christ. 

Then he said to me, “These people have come out of great hardship. They have washed their robes and made them white in the Lamb’s blood. 15 This is the reason they are before God’s throne. They worship him day and night in his temple, and the one seated on the throne will shelter them. 16 They won’t hunger or thirst anymore. No sun or scorching heat will beat down on them, 17 because the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water,[a] and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

    The throne sets between Tulsa and an area possibly to Kansas City. 


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Things Don't Add Up In Penn State Witch Hunt- Freeh Report Missing Reports- Rominger/Gricar connection- Read....

   Falsely accused. Framed. Lied about. Falsely convicted by corrupt court proceedings. Fake information. False investigation. Corrupt District Attorney associated with Marjorie Diehl and Bill Rothstein and Gina Haspel, who later became the head of the CIA. Calhoun was mistaken.
   Fake testimony. Ridiculous claims. Witness tampering. Evidence tampering. Cover ups. Missing evidence. Absurd timelines. Incidents that never happened. Claims of actions that are absurd. This time changed to that time. This fdate changed to that date. Impostors claiming to be Sandusky. Stories made up. Media hype. Assumptions unfounded. False testimony encouraged and accepted. Ray Gricar associated with Carl Rominger, ROMINGER- Sandusky's attorney when Gricar came up missing. 
   Impostor seen with and reports written on George Steinbrenner  playing in shower rooms at Penn State in 1998. Making videos of sexual encounters between the Sandusky look alike and a small person, who was actually a grown man, just shaved and small. Could easily pass for an under aged child. And did.
    A new investigation should take place. Freeh was not a person who could be trusted. Too many things that happened were never reported. It was if Freeh's investigation was only meant to attack Sandusky and Penn state. 
    Jerry Sandusky should be set free. 

Link to George Steinbrenner with Impostor posing as Sandusky in Penn state shower room. Calhoun and I was there. Calhoun was told the person in the shower with a small man was Jerry Sandusky. It wasn't. Reports on the incident went missing. The incident was covered and never taken into evidence. It proved that Sandusky was being framed. Link: PROVES SANDUSKY WAS BEING FRAMED -

See pictures: See diagram

Paterno- by Don Robbins

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Connection To Nazi Hunting - Hosston Louisiana 1975- Jimmy Hoffa - FBI Cover Up- Links to other posts- PICS-

    Did you have to support Nazi Hunting in the 1970's to be considered a true socialist? Was Jimmy Hoffa killing suspected grandchildren of Nazi Germany Nazi's - with the FBI agents - and a group of fanatics, (In Hosston Louisiana) in 1975?
   There was a reason that many young people were killed in Hosston Louisiana in August 1975. I believe that reason was that those victims who were tortured and murdered were killed in acts of vengeance by Nazi Hunters. Whether they were actually Nazi's or related, I don't think that made any difference. Apparently, the Russians were allowed to kill people in America and other nations too. Here's the location where the killings took place. Where Hoffa died. * The FBI, the Sheriff of Texarkana, a deputy Sheriff from Vivian, Louisiana and several other witness knew of the murders. The agents in the federal building in Tulsa interviewed me after the incident. The Sheriff of Texarkana instructed me to go to the federal building in Tulsa to talk to the agents. They acted like they didn't want to know anything about what happened, they just wanted to make it look like I was questioned.
    The FBI agents present, just hours after Hoffa died, also talked to me to verify where his body was.  Agents in the FBI and the Sheriff of Texarkana knew where the body was.
    Agents and the Sheriff and the Deputy Sheriff from Vivian knew where the dead were (approximately 194) north of the sharecroppers cotton patch. Look:

    This is real- 

        Gives details on the murders committed near Hosston Louisiana in August 1975. 
         * The house where Evan Tanner was taken to in 1978 was used by Rodney Alcala in 1975. The house was in a different location. Possibly in San Antonio Texas. 
 Here are links to other articles I've written about the experience. after 45 years I came to the conclusion it had to do with vengeance. The murders were covered up by the FBI. Searching for Hoffa's body was faked by the FBI.