"People from all kindred's, tongues, nationalities, are gathered in the last days at the throne of Jesus. People out of tribulation. "The Great Crowd".
I revised the estimated size of the throne in earth measurements to 271 miles, square. Taking several factors into consideration I concluded that the base of the throne will start at one corner, near Tulsa Oklahoma and one corner will be in the Kansas City area, around Independence Missouri.
Knowing that the nation will not allow the gathering of all the people through immigration, a solution to the problem may come in the form of a separate nation. "A small nation"
The Small Nation: It is mentioned in the Bible, "The Small Nation" in several forms. But the main topic is of a nation that isn't a nation at all but a small group of people who attempt, through magic and sorcery with the Devil's help, try to take over the world. (During the end times.)
The "Truth" as a location ,with certain people who live in a certain place who prepare for the coming of Christ. A place called the "Truth" where he goes to during the end times. Not the Throne of Christ but certainly in the location of the throne. My guess would be near the Camp of the Saints. The Sanctuary. (The Sanctuary being close to the Throne of Jesus.) Near Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The witness of Angels and sightings of at least one of the Beasts mentioned that are near the throne. * It may be of interest to some people in the Evangelical Community that some Angels are apparently very large and tall. Taller than trees. As tall as Redwoods. Or even taller. (Oral Roberts had made the statement that he witnessed an Angel at Oral Roberts University that stood taller than the tallest building on campus.)
I believe that spiritual aspects of the throne are created first and then it manifests into a physical structure. Many sightings of Angels and other things have happened in the past. I believe, leading up to the manifestation of the throne.
Why 271 miles? Because that is how far it is approximately to the site near Independence from the site of the sanctuary location near Tulsa. I imagined the throne to have a square base. Making it 271 miles, square.
I believe people will be warned who live in the location of where the base of the throne will set. Churches should be prepared to help people who are affected by the throne materializing. And offer support to those who come to the location from all over the world.
Jesus will be in contact....
Real clouds over the location.
Use search at fineartamerica. Don Robbins.