Sunday, February 2, 2014

In Honor Of Seymour Hoffman Actor Who Has Died From An Apparent Overdose

Simply - Hoffman, Seymuor Phillip -picture as a ZOMPIRE!

  Like many highly talented (could have been greats in their trade) the ever fascinating to watch actor, Seymore Hoffman has passed away, according to the headline news, FOX-ABC-MsNBC-and others.
No links available. Simply - Hoffman, Seymuor Phillip
      He was found in his Apartmentola Sunday. 
      Traces of hypodermic needles were found in his arm. (He didn't know Qualme. or Panero).
     The Jehovah witnesses could not reach him in time to save him. God rest his taller than people thought he was, soul. He had to squat down slightly in Mission Impossible to make Cruz look taller.
  he will be surely missed.
Honestly, he was a great actor. 
   In memory of Seymour Hoffman. 
          *Top Gun music plays in background."
Abstract- Hoffman as a Vampire/Zombie "A ZOMPIRE!"

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