Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Is President Obama Under Mind Control? Non Lethal Weapons Technology- Government terrorism

    Does Obama know that he was associated with the C.I.A.? That is the question. 
  If he doesn't, has he been used by them in operations? Is he under mind control?

  Being a victim of mind control and government agencies exploitation, I know a little bit about their mind control activities.
  Obama was in the C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency of the federal government. He was directly associated with people who were responsible for covert operations.

   He appointed Mr. Abraham to a position in Washington, in the  center of International Business Relations, I think that's what it is called. The guy was a criminal. Obama had to know that Abraham was a criminal and violated National Security Clearance in the State Department.

   Mind control is real. The controllers use childhood trauma and torture as a method of breaking down the personalities of the victims. Sometimes they are groomed for top spots in positions in the government-military- and intelligence communities.

http://www.infowars.com/new-film-exposes-secrets-of-mind-control/ Info Wars- Movie About Mind Control

Government Mind Control Experiments Funded by the U.S. Government- High quality video. Exposes the truth about C.I.A. mind control programs. Victims testify. History.
   Beam weapons and government terrorism. Experiments. 

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