Tuesday, December 31, 2013
"Today" (I Switched My Browser)
So, today I switched my browser to Google from MSNBC.
It's not because of the insults on the program at MSNBC about Romney's family, "how dey looked." Their "D-Versity." The scathing song.....
It is because (I admit it), analytics.
There, I said it; Analytics.
2 page views and I'm already obsessed with analytics.
"How many different ways are there to count two page views?"
Google will find a way.
The end of the year.
I reminisce about the clinic in Africa and changing the world, being young, being wealthy.
My new years resolution is to watch more ice skating.
It's not because of the insults on the program at MSNBC about Romney's family, "how dey looked." Their "D-Versity." The scathing song.....
It is because (I admit it), analytics.
There, I said it; Analytics.
2 page views and I'm already obsessed with analytics.
"How many different ways are there to count two page views?"
Google will find a way.
The end of the year.
I reminisce about the clinic in Africa and changing the world, being young, being wealthy.
My new years resolution is to watch more ice skating.
Monday, December 30, 2013
People Who Lost Coverage Need Temporary Coverage
You can't buy a similar policy because it's illegal.
They can only extend existing policies. (If your policy has been canceled it is not an existing policy.)
They can't allow the insurance companies to sell illegal policies to the people who lost policies. (Because of the laws under the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare).
Insurance companies will cancel policies anyway.
Policies were canceled because of regulation changes and laws that went into effect under Obamacare.
People who have lost policies and do not qualify for Medicaid need a temporary coverage.
They can only extend existing policies. (If your policy has been canceled it is not an existing policy.)
They can't allow the insurance companies to sell illegal policies to the people who lost policies. (Because of the laws under the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare).
Insurance companies will cancel policies anyway.
Policies were canceled because of regulation changes and laws that went into effect under Obamacare.
People who have lost policies and do not qualify for Medicaid need a temporary coverage.
"Extensions On Cancelled Policies Don't Help"
This article is like Liberals admitting defeat before the elections even happen in 2014.
They always make a comment about the TEA Party but sometimes what is right is more important than just winning the next hand in poker. 20 million people have lost policies. They can't extend the policies after they lose the policies.
Many of those people do not qualify for Medicaid. If they go to the hospital they will not have coverage.
So, was it right to stand up to them? It was. Cruz and the TEA Party did the right thing.
This is a question for the politicians in Washington: How do you give an extension to an insurance policy that has been canceled.
How do people get their policies back? (That's the problem.)
What good does an extension on a policy that doesn't exist do? Does anybody have an answer?
*They didn't set it up for people to get their insurance back.
If you don't qualify for Medicaid and you have lost your policy you will be completely responsible for paying the hospital bill. All of it.
They always make a comment about the TEA Party but sometimes what is right is more important than just winning the next hand in poker. 20 million people have lost policies. They can't extend the policies after they lose the policies.
Many of those people do not qualify for Medicaid. If they go to the hospital they will not have coverage.
So, was it right to stand up to them? It was. Cruz and the TEA Party did the right thing.
This is a question for the politicians in Washington: How do you give an extension to an insurance policy that has been canceled.
How do people get their policies back? (That's the problem.)
What good does an extension on a policy that doesn't exist do? Does anybody have an answer?
*They didn't set it up for people to get their insurance back.
If you don't qualify for Medicaid and you have lost your policy you will be completely responsible for paying the hospital bill. All of it.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Economic Systems In Comparison To Two Payer System (2014)
This is how it works.
With a partnership in economic investment between commission planners, (City planners) and private investors, renovation projects can be accomplished. As in OKC. Tulsa first.
My idea of modeling a medical system after the two payer system that includes input and cooperation from both private industry and public programs, is reminiscence of the public works projects that brought OKC back from utter depression. Actually, Tulsa was in even worse shape. The best part of the dual cooperation projects is that the government gets the investment money back over a period of time.
The Two Payer System: If lower income people are placed on Medicaid and they have a private policy that covers most of what Medicaid doesn't, that is necessary, that's good.
If the costs of the policy is less because of the Medicaid coverage, the policy is affordable to the working people who have lower paying jobs. No one is cut back or laid off.
Medicaid is alleviated financially by the policies paying some on the care. This is good.
Pre existing conditions can be met.
Policies can be kept.
As the income or financial circumstance of the family or individual improves, more can be transferred to the private policy.
<Medicaid and the private policies work together to provide everybody coverage.
Higher income earners can opt, in, with more coverage on the policies at a higher cost.
No one is turned away. No one is dropped.
People get better coverage overall.
A minimum of coverage is set on the insurance policies.
A maximum is set on the cost of the policies.
The person chooses the policy coverage.
This system works to save existing policies. It works to reinstate people who have been dropped, with better coverage for the same costs or less, truly.
If it is done right it can work.
Americans can have confidence in coverage.
No one is bankrupt. Lives are saved. Care is available at reasonable costs.
Transference of costs goes down.
There is less of a rise in costs for policy holders.
The hospitals are in better shape financially.
The system helps to stabilize policy costs.
It helps to keep Medicare costs down.
It's not a bad system, if it is implemented right.
It can work.
The reason Obamacare doesn't work is because the implementation is flawed. Politics kept the necessary changes from the table.
A two payer system can work if we do it right.
Old Tricks- "We Can Do Better Than Obamacare"
Serious discussions on the promise of system reform, post Obamacare, was taking place in Washington this week. Well; actually more than a week ago, but it was on C-span.
The idea is to supplement policies and have Medicaid / Medicare supported by private insurance, with standard criteria as a guideline to policy coverage.
This, instead of just insurance or government provider under needs based programs.
Expanding clinical primary care and quality in home care is cutting expenses.
It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that a stationary clinical setting for minor medical care in higher income circumstances, would work well to reduce cost transference. (You thought I was going to say lower income, didn't you?)
Don't let them sneak in the old trick of let the miracle workers heal you if your poor.
We can do better than Obamacare.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Tests and Epilepsy Testing On Obamacare- Medicaid- Policies.
This is the same question I asked to begin with.
Is testing on epilepsy and seizure type disorders given under Medicaid on Obamacare?
Does the Medicaid cover testing for diagnosis of epilepsy?
Did Obamacare look into this matter?
As far as I could determine; It's the same coverage for people on Medicaid, now, as it was before.
That means that the tests for epilepsy or other similar ailments are the same.
Diagnosis is not determined on Medicaid coverage. Specialty care is not covered.
Procedures are ordered without diagnosis. Medications are administered under waivers.
The testing for such patients are supposedly covered under mental health care.
Mental health care does not cover these types of tests on Obamacare.
The buck was passed to mental health. They knew the tests were not covered and they had no intentions of covering the tests that are necessary to make proper diagnosis and thus give adequate care.
*(Check the policies for the coverage.)
Is testing on epilepsy and seizure type disorders given under Medicaid on Obamacare?
Does the Medicaid cover testing for diagnosis of epilepsy?
Did Obamacare look into this matter?
As far as I could determine; It's the same coverage for people on Medicaid, now, as it was before.
That means that the tests for epilepsy or other similar ailments are the same.
Diagnosis is not determined on Medicaid coverage. Specialty care is not covered.
Procedures are ordered without diagnosis. Medications are administered under waivers.
The testing for such patients are supposedly covered under mental health care.
Mental health care does not cover these types of tests on Obamacare.
The buck was passed to mental health. They knew the tests were not covered and they had no intentions of covering the tests that are necessary to make proper diagnosis and thus give adequate care.
*(Check the policies for the coverage.)
Criteria-Emergency Rooms-Specialty-System-Outcomes-Costs-Coverage
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/where-is-criteria-in-patient-care-what.html CRITERIA-Standards-Tests-Diagnosis
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/medicaid-emergency-rooms-costs-rising.html COSTS-COVERAGE- Specialty care-Clinics
Where Is The Criteria In Patient Care? (What Is Going On?) Definition
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/medicaid-emergency-rooms-costs-rising.html COSTS-COVERAGE- Specialty care-Clinics
Medicaid- Emergency Rooms- Costs Rising- Specialty Services
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/emergency-room-dependent-obamacare.html OUTCOMES-SYSTEM-Emergency Room- Primary Care-DoctorsEmergency Room Dependent- Obamacare Produces Opposite Outcomes Than Is Needed
Does Obamacare Lead To More Misdiagnosis?- REACTIONS- COMMA-MisdiagnosisDoes Obamacare Lead To More Misdiagnosis - Girl in comma after tonsillectomy.
http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=21353378Girl in comma after tonsillectomy.
"Give her a little more?" The parent is complaining about perceiving pain in the child : just give her a little more, Morphine?
Does the patient suffer from sleep apnea, or epileptic type seizures, without diagnosis?
Is the person epileptic? Was testing given to determine the apnea?
In that case do you take the chance? If they come out of surgery and the person is waking up from the antithetic and they don't wake up all the way, did you give morphine during that time?
In that case do you take the chance? Were tests skipped because of Obamacare standards?
The girl in San Francisco didn't bleed near to death. If she was bleeding that bad she would have choked on her own blood. (In the hospital.) Bleeding didn't lead to cardiac arrest.
Were the sinuses packed?
Were precautions taken against infection?
Was any type of criteria mandated in association with the care given?
Who ordered the post op morphine drip to be increased?
"If the girl had epilepsy and was not diagnosed, the extra morphine is what probably put her into a comma." (Misdiagnosis.)
Don Robbins (aka) Dr. House / Missing from Princeton N.J.1993
Friday, December 27, 2013
Emergency Room Dependent- Obamacare Produces Opposite Outcomes Than Is Needed
Emergency Rooms:
The cycle of dependency has to be cut.
This is how the system should work: The primary care doctors should refer the patents to testing and specialized care when criteria warrants it, and on their diagnosis, with respect to procedural testing.
Procedural testing should be standardized with extra testing if ordered by the primary, in certain cases, or the specialists, upon attending the patient.
Clinics with in house testing should be established as preventative. And minor medical should be kept at the level of clinical with respect to patient concerns.
Minor medical should be kept at minor medical outpatient facilities. This cuts back on Emergency room visits by people seeking minor medical services. This saves money but maintains quality care.
The referral to specialized treatment or testing by the primary doctors should be covered by state policies on Medicaid if ordered by the doctors.
This keeps the costs down on testing as ordered, when necessary, and prevents patients from becoming dependent on Emergency Rooms.
The problem, (unlike it is claimed by Obama) with respect to costs, is not in specialized or Major medical care areas. The main costs are in the Emergency Room providers on minor med and the costs of minor medical in major settings, Along with testing that is standardized by insurance companies that is sometimes a commodity more than a necessity. (Including government ordered guidelines that are not understood or necessary in cases such as repeated testing between Emergency room and in patient.)
Testing that is not ordered by doctors cannot become the standard in every case.
Testing that is necessary cannot be ignored by eliminating criteria, either.
This is basic to foundation of care. Standard care.
Obamacare will produce the exact opposite outcome than what is desired.
The cycle of dependency has to be cut.
This is how the system should work: The primary care doctors should refer the patents to testing and specialized care when criteria warrants it, and on their diagnosis, with respect to procedural testing.
Procedural testing should be standardized with extra testing if ordered by the primary, in certain cases, or the specialists, upon attending the patient.
Clinics with in house testing should be established as preventative. And minor medical should be kept at the level of clinical with respect to patient concerns.
Minor medical should be kept at minor medical outpatient facilities. This cuts back on Emergency room visits by people seeking minor medical services. This saves money but maintains quality care.
The referral to specialized treatment or testing by the primary doctors should be covered by state policies on Medicaid if ordered by the doctors.
This keeps the costs down on testing as ordered, when necessary, and prevents patients from becoming dependent on Emergency Rooms.
The problem, (unlike it is claimed by Obama) with respect to costs, is not in specialized or Major medical care areas. The main costs are in the Emergency Room providers on minor med and the costs of minor medical in major settings, Along with testing that is standardized by insurance companies that is sometimes a commodity more than a necessity. (Including government ordered guidelines that are not understood or necessary in cases such as repeated testing between Emergency room and in patient.)
Testing that is not ordered by doctors cannot become the standard in every case.
Testing that is necessary cannot be ignored by eliminating criteria, either.
This is basic to foundation of care. Standard care.
Obamacare will produce the exact opposite outcome than what is desired.
Need parts?
Medicaid- Emergency Rooms- Costs Rising- Specialty Services
Medicaid is the same.
Medicaid does not cover specialty care, more, under Obamacare. It's the same coverage. The Coverage is the same as it was on the old insurance policy that was paid for by the state.
The patient will still go to the Emergency room after they are referred to a specialist when they don't have the money to pay for it.
That's how it works. Medicaid is the same.
There is a petition to keep the Emergency rooms capable and receiving patents. Just like they did before.
The expense involved in treating all patients at Emergency rooms that had Medicaid or who weren't covered, (which was the same thing) is one of the costly policies that got us into the medical strain in the first place, when it came to costs.
In reality, nothing has been done about those costs, with respect to Obamacare. The costs will be even higher.
Without coverage on specialized care, the Emergency rooms will see an increase in patients. That will cause a sharp rise in overall costs of coverage. In turn it will cause a increase in costs across the board.
Without enough people to sign into the exchange policies, as designed into the system, Obamacare will be paying out far more than it takes in.
Insurers will be forced to ask for more money from the policy holders or more money from the government. Either way, or both ways. It will cost more, not less.
Medicaid does not cover specialty care, more, under Obamacare. It's the same coverage. The Coverage is the same as it was on the old insurance policy that was paid for by the state.
The patient will still go to the Emergency room after they are referred to a specialist when they don't have the money to pay for it.
That's how it works. Medicaid is the same.
There is a petition to keep the Emergency rooms capable and receiving patents. Just like they did before.
The expense involved in treating all patients at Emergency rooms that had Medicaid or who weren't covered, (which was the same thing) is one of the costly policies that got us into the medical strain in the first place, when it came to costs.
In reality, nothing has been done about those costs, with respect to Obamacare. The costs will be even higher.
Without coverage on specialized care, the Emergency rooms will see an increase in patients. That will cause a sharp rise in overall costs of coverage. In turn it will cause a increase in costs across the board.
Without enough people to sign into the exchange policies, as designed into the system, Obamacare will be paying out far more than it takes in.
Insurers will be forced to ask for more money from the policy holders or more money from the government. Either way, or both ways. It will cost more, not less.
Need parts?
Emergency Rooms,
Where Is The Criteria In Patient Care? (What Is Going On?) Definition
It's not a matter of sounds like, or looks like, or I thought when it comes to patient care. It's a matter of procedures that are followed and guidelines that are checked with respect to patient welfare.
Those procedural guidelines and every day protocols are called criteria.
Was criteria checked? Stanford Medical Tragedy
Does procedures have anything to do with discharge or patient safety, anymore, under Obamacare?
What is being cut out of normal tests and procedures with Obamacare?
Is criteria being met with patients or not?
They just keep saying quality, affordable care, but where's the criteria doc? Where's the CRITERIA?
Is criteria and procedural guidelines a part of the medical protocols now? Yes or no?
What is going on here?
Those procedural guidelines and every day protocols are called criteria.
Was criteria checked? Stanford Medical Tragedy
Does procedures have anything to do with discharge or patient safety, anymore, under Obamacare?
What is being cut out of normal tests and procedures with Obamacare?
Is criteria being met with patients or not?
They just keep saying quality, affordable care, but where's the criteria doc? Where's the CRITERIA?
Is criteria and procedural guidelines a part of the medical protocols now? Yes or no?
What is going on here?
Need parts?
"Go Back To Washington And Extend The Unemployment Benefits!"
"I do not freakin' believe what they did in Washington!"
"Went home without tending the unemployment benefits for a million + people."
(And the economy is stronger than it has been in two years!???)
Wow! That's like a miracle or something!
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE SENATE and the President? They couldn't do that one thing before they left? IT'S a SHAM!
And you ask why no one in the Tea Party wanted to let them get by with the budget.
There needs to be at least some guarantee they will do anything positive before people agree to it. So where's the POSITIVE?
See how it works now? You can't trust them to do the right thing.
It's getting to where you can't trust them to do anything.
I know there's a petition to impeach the Senate and it's just political stuff from the Tea Party, but really; We need to bring them to justice and protect our constitution from them. They have become the enemies of the constitution, not the defender of it.
The Senate has become the demise to their own means. It's time to charge them with hypocrisy and unconstitutional acts against the American people and against the United States of America.
"Went home without tending the unemployment benefits for a million + people."
(And the economy is stronger than it has been in two years!???)
Wow! That's like a miracle or something!
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE SENATE and the President? They couldn't do that one thing before they left? IT'S a SHAM!
And you ask why no one in the Tea Party wanted to let them get by with the budget.
There needs to be at least some guarantee they will do anything positive before people agree to it. So where's the POSITIVE?
See how it works now? You can't trust them to do the right thing.
It's getting to where you can't trust them to do anything.
I know there's a petition to impeach the Senate and it's just political stuff from the Tea Party, but really; We need to bring them to justice and protect our constitution from them. They have become the enemies of the constitution, not the defender of it.
The Senate has become the demise to their own means. It's time to charge them with hypocrisy and unconstitutional acts against the American people and against the United States of America.
Need parts?
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Obamacare Posters
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/25/us/politics/white-house-again-stretches-health-care-sign-up-deadline.html?hpw&rref=us&_r=0 Another extension.
Just don't sign up.
Refuse to lose!
Just don't sign up.
Tell the godfather of failure that we don't work to correct his mistakes. We don't pay the price for his incompetence!
Just don't sign up!
Just don't sign up.
Refuse to lose!
Just don't sign up.
Tell the godfather of failure that we don't work to correct his mistakes. We don't pay the price for his incompetence!
Just don't sign up!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Back To The Future's Trash With Obamacare
What kind of creeps are we dealing with here, anyway? A Christmas deadline to extension sign up on policy charting in demographic statistical socialist principled hogwash!
Sign up symbolically. What kind of air head does something like that?!D!!
Just don't sign up!
Refuse their orders.
Sign up symbolically. What kind of air head does something like that?!D!!
Just don't sign up!
Refuse their orders.
Just Don't Sign Up!
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/25/us/politics/white-house-again-stretches-health-care-sign-up-deadline.html?hpw&rref=us&_r=0 Another extension.
Just don't sign up.
Refuse to lose!
Just don't sign up.
Tell the godfather of failure that we don't work to correct his mistakes. We don't pay the price for his incompetence!
Just don't sign up!
Just don't sign up.
Refuse to lose!
Just don't sign up.
Tell the godfather of failure that we don't work to correct his mistakes. We don't pay the price for his incompetence!
Just don't sign up!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
PSU Cases What Did Baldwin See? Where Is The Evidence?
Was Baldwin lied to?
If you look at the possibility from my perspective, I say she had to have been lied to. Given falsified information, or was possibly shown made up video tapes.
There is a possibility that video tapes that were made to deceive people into believing they were seeing sexual molestation or foul play.
Was Baldwin one of those people. Was Linda Kelly?
Were tapes confiscated and kept from public knowledge of their existence?
I think that was the case.
Either tapes were produced to trick people into thinking they were seeing Sandusky, or witnesses were shown evidence from 2001.
My bet is that Baldwin was one of those people.
The question is, where is the information they were shown? Where's the evidence?
If you look at the possibility from my perspective, I say she had to have been lied to. Given falsified information, or was possibly shown made up video tapes.
There is a possibility that video tapes that were made to deceive people into believing they were seeing sexual molestation or foul play.
Was Baldwin one of those people. Was Linda Kelly?
Were tapes confiscated and kept from public knowledge of their existence?
I think that was the case.
Either tapes were produced to trick people into thinking they were seeing Sandusky, or witnesses were shown evidence from 2001.
My bet is that Baldwin was one of those people.
The question is, where is the information they were shown? Where's the evidence?
Need parts?
Was Baldwin Shown Fabricated Video Tapes Or Falsified 2001 Evidence? (Related Posts)
Baldwin was given information by the prosecution or Grand Jury investigators, it seems. And from there, she decided that the officials were told something by McQueary. She believed that they withheld information on Jerry Sandusky.
It must still be secret information. This evidence that convinced Kelly to press charges. The information that Kelly had about evidence, that she said was taken from the campus by officials, the day she pressed charges against the Penn State officials with the State police.
Were the actors in the shower room posing as Jerry Sandusky and playing sexual assault, taking videos of the skit.
Actors were role playing in a shower room at Penn State, taking video. One actor looked like Sandusky. What were the tapes made for?
Were they made for practical jokes?
Were they made for extortion?
Were they made to deceive?
Was Baldwin shown one of the tapes and told that it was believed to be Sandusky.
Was Baldwin shown fabricated evidence from the incident in 2001 and told it had to do
with Jerry Sandusky and a child in the shower room?
Or maybe both?
Related posts:
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/understanding-penn-state-incident-from.html Understanding
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/no-incident-that-had-to-do-with-mr.html Not Sandusky
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/no-one-remembered-2001-incident-i-did.html Eye Witness 2001
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/httpwww.html Lies of the Prosecution
It must still be secret information. This evidence that convinced Kelly to press charges. The information that Kelly had about evidence, that she said was taken from the campus by officials, the day she pressed charges against the Penn State officials with the State police.
Were the actors in the shower room posing as Jerry Sandusky and playing sexual assault, taking videos of the skit.
Actors were role playing in a shower room at Penn State, taking video. One actor looked like Sandusky. What were the tapes made for?
Were they made for practical jokes?
Were they made for extortion?
Were they made to deceive?
Was Baldwin shown one of the tapes and told that it was believed to be Sandusky.
Was Baldwin shown fabricated evidence from the incident in 2001 and told it had to do
with Jerry Sandusky and a child in the shower room?
Or maybe both?
Related posts:
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/understanding-penn-state-incident-from.html Understanding
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/no-incident-that-had-to-do-with-mr.html Not Sandusky
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/no-one-remembered-2001-incident-i-did.html Eye Witness 2001
http://donrobbinsreturns.blogspot.com/2013/12/httpwww.html Lies of the Prosecution
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Understanding The Penn State Incident From 2001-* help
I realize that it is sometimes difficult to understand what I'm saying about the Penn State situation, (Court Case). Court cases.
Let's say that a mistake was made by the investigators and because of it (the mistake) charges were brought against officials at Penn State (During the Neolithic period) before the dinosaurs were created by the child like beings in heaven, probably for fun. Sometime during that time period anyway.
The mistake was about the 2001 shower room incident. (This is where it gets complicated.)
I'll try to explain. You try to understand. It's sort of like a game. Understanding is the same as knowing. Knowing involves thought. Thought is a mental activity.
There was one incident in 2001 in the shower room in a building at Penn State University. Not the Lasch building. The actual incident was in another building located on the main campus. The actual incident, (not the incident that was fabricated by the prosecution), but the incident that actually did happen; that incident, (the incident in 2001 that did actually happen,) in 2001, had nothing to do with Sandusky in a shower room at night, in the Lasch building. There wasn't a Jerry Sandusky incident in 2001 in the shower room in the Lasch Building at Penn State.
The actual incident was an information source to the prosecutors/investigators. The prosecutors used the information as evidence in fabricating a make believe story about Sandusky and then accused the officials of covering up molestations that he was accused of.
The officials were employees at Penn State, the president of the University, Spanier.
The atheletic director and a man in charge of security.
Schultz and Curley, respectively. So, Spanier-Schultz-Curley.
Those are the officials who were charged.
The charges stemmed from the assertions that they knew that assistant coach McQueary told them of the 2001 incident, in 2001. The prosecution claimed that the incident took place in 2001 and that the officials were told about it by McQueary.
Of course that would be impossible because the incident that was recorded in Paterno's logbook and happened at 9:30 in the morning, not at night, didn't involve any BODY in a shower room. It was only sounds heard, not people in the shower room . And, not Sandusky.
I realize that it is sometimes difficult to understand what I'm saying about the Penn State situation, (Court Case). Court cases.
Let's say that a mistake was made by the investigators and because of it (the mistake) charges were brought against officials at Penn State (During the Neolithic period) before the dinosaurs were created by the child like beings in heaven, probably for fun. Sometime during that time period anyway.
The mistake was about the 2001 shower room incident. (This is where it gets complicated.)
I'll try to explain. You try to understand. It's sort of like a game. Understanding is the same as knowing. Knowing involves thought. Thought is a mental activity.
There was one incident in 2001 in the shower room in a building at Penn State University. Not the Lasch building. The actual incident was in another building located on the main campus. The actual incident, (not the incident that was fabricated by the prosecution), but the incident that actually did happen; that incident, (the incident in 2001 that did actually happen,) in 2001, had nothing to do with Sandusky in a shower room at night, in the Lasch building. There wasn't a Jerry Sandusky incident in 2001 in the shower room in the Lasch Building at Penn State.
The actual incident was an information source to the prosecutors/investigators. The prosecutors used the information as evidence in fabricating a make believe story about Sandusky and then accused the officials of covering up molestations that he was accused of.
The officials were employees at Penn State, the president of the University, Spanier.
The atheletic director and a man in charge of security.
Schultz and Curley, respectively. So, Spanier-Schultz-Curley.
Those are the officials who were charged.
The charges stemmed from the assertions that they knew that assistant coach McQueary told them of the 2001 incident, in 2001. The prosecution claimed that the incident took place in 2001 and that the officials were told about it by McQueary.
Of course that would be impossible because the incident that was recorded in Paterno's logbook and happened at 9:30 in the morning, not at night, didn't involve any BODY in a shower room. It was only sounds heard, not people in the shower room . And, not Sandusky.
Need parts?
No incident that had to do with Mr. Sandusky
There was
no incident in the shower room at Penn State in 2001 that had to do with Mr.
It was
very confusing when the prosecutors said that the incident concerning Mr.
Sandusky was in 2001, when it was really in 2002.
was an incident in 2001 but it wasn't the Sandusky incident.
I just
couldn't figure out how Mr. McQueary went into the shower room and saw Mr.
Sandusky, when no one else did, that day.
As it
turned out there were two separate incidents. The Grand Jury got mixed up., on
the dates.
also, apparently, fabricated a story about Mr. Sandusky abusing a child in the
shower room in 2001. This led to the charges against Penn State.
Need parts?
2001 Incident At Penn State - I Remembered Because I Was There
There was evidence about an incident in 2001 but it wasn't about Sandusky. And, it wasn't in the Lasch Football Building.
The prosecution knew it.
The incident was a real incident. (I was a witness.)
It was used to try and convict Penn State.
Jerry Sandusky was just the fall guy.
There was no incident between Sandusky and McQueary in 2001.
McQueary couldn't have reported the incident about Sandusky in 2001 because it didn't have anything to do with Sandusky.
The truth about the 2001 incident has never been told, yet.
No one remembered it. But I did, because I was there.
The prosecution knew it.
The incident was a real incident. (I was a witness.)
It was used to try and convict Penn State.
Jerry Sandusky was just the fall guy.
There was no incident between Sandusky and McQueary in 2001.
McQueary couldn't have reported the incident about Sandusky in 2001 because it didn't have anything to do with Sandusky.
The truth about the 2001 incident has never been told, yet.
No one remembered it. But I did, because I was there.
EXCERPT: http://donrobbinsblog.com/2013/05/24/penn-state-info-related-royers/
The investigators claimed that the incident was about Sandusky, but it wasn't. They mentioned the incident and the date-2001- in trail, when the prosecution claimed that McQueary told them he heard the sounds of someone being raped before he went into the shower room and saw Sandusky. McQueary said that he never told them he heard anything like that. Charges were never proven against Sandusky concerning the incident in 2001. Sandusky was never convicted of those charges. The witness that claimed Sandusky raped him in the shower room in 2001 was not charged with giving false testimony. Even though he lied and the court knew it. Other claims against Sandusky were made by individuals and most of the claims were completely absurd. He was convicted on hearsay, even after the false testimony. And even after the matter from 2001 was dropped.
It was possible to find out that the incident from 2001 had nothing to do with Sandusky but the judge let the falsified evidence into the initial investigation.
EXCERPT: http://donrobbinsblog.com/
The question is: Whether or not Kelly knew the 2001 information was falsified before she pressed charges against Sandusky, and accused Penn State of the cover up?
Prosecutors lied about the incident. Penn State Officials Innocent (The Key Point)
- http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/11/new_court_filing_details_forme.html
- Penn State Officials Pre-Trial:
- When asked if there was any discussion about reporting the 2001 shower incident witnessed by former Penn State assistant football coach Mike McQueary to police, Spanier said “No.”
Emails discovered later in the probe contain a three-way discussion between Spanier, his then-senior vice president for finance and business Gary Schultz and Athletic Director Tim Curley seemingly going over the pros and cons of just such a move.
They ultimately decided against filing a report at that time.
They are talking about about another incident that did happen in another building in 2001.
The incident was not suspicious. It was in a shower room. I was a witness.
The prosecutors lied about the incident when they said Sandusky was in the shower room in 2001 in that incident.
They knew the incident did not involve Sandusky.
* The key point:{ There was no other incident in 2001.}
The Lasch building incident didn't have anything to do with the actual incident in 2001.
(I've already been subtly threatened today, thank you.)
The building was not the Lasch building. It was on the main campus.
Need parts?
Friday, December 20, 2013
I Sent This To The News Station In Pennsylvania
The information used from 2001, that was gathered in investigations about Jerry Sandusky, was known by prosecution and the Grand Jury investigators to be about an incident that did not involve Jerry Sandusky or the suspician of child abuse.
The information used from 2001, that was gathered in investigations about Jerry Sandusky, was known by prosecution and the Grand Jury investigators to be about an incident that did not involve Jerry Sandusky or the suspician of child abuse.
Grand Jury investigators knew the 2001 information did not relate to the shwer
room incident that was reported by coach McQUEARY in 2002, (march). * They knew
it didn't relate but they claimed it did, anyway, seeking a conviction
against Jerry Sandusky.
that the 2001 shower room information related to what Sandusky allegedly did,
automatically implicated Penn State in a cover up conspiracy.
Need parts?
Another Exemption On "O" Care
Another exemption on O- care. (The "O" is what's left of it.)
"Yes, you can get a catastrophic care policy for a year since your policy has been cancelled."
If they are going to exempt everyone from carrying mandatory coverage, including birth control, then why not just exempt it from the law and start over?
Use the next year to actually come up with a plan that works.
Model the new plan.
They didn't just build the first rocket and put a man on it and shoot it to the moon, did they?
No, they made sure it worked right before they sent astronauts into outer space.
They can do the same with workable healthcare policy in Washington.
A BETTER PLAN: (Two Payer System)
"Yes, you can get a catastrophic care policy for a year since your policy has been cancelled."
If they are going to exempt everyone from carrying mandatory coverage, including birth control, then why not just exempt it from the law and start over?
Use the next year to actually come up with a plan that works.
Model the new plan.
They didn't just build the first rocket and put a man on it and shoot it to the moon, did they?
No, they made sure it worked right before they sent astronauts into outer space.
They can do the same with workable healthcare policy in Washington.
A BETTER PLAN: (Two Payer System)
A Two Payer System That Can Work (Not Obamacare)
If lower income people are placed on Medicaid and they have a private policy that covers most of what Medicaid doesn't, that is necessary, that's good.
If the costs of the policy is less because of the Medicaid coverage, the policy is affordable to the working people who have lower paying jobs. No one is cut back or laid off.
Medicaid is alleviated financially by the policies paying some on the care. This is good.
Pre existing conditions can be met.
Policies can be kept.
As the income or financial circumstance of the family or individual improves, more can be transferred to the private policy.
<Medicaid and the private policies work together to provide everybody coverage.
Higher income earners can opt, in, with more coverage on the policies at a higher cost.
No one is turned away. No one is dropped.
People get better coverage overall.
A minimum of coverage is set on the insurance policies.
A maximum is set on the cost of the policies.
The person chooses the policy coverage.
This system works to save existing policies. It works to reinstate people who have been dropped, with better coverage for the same costs or less, truly.
If it is done right it can work.
Americans can have confidence in coverage.
No one is bankrupt. Lives are saved. Care is available at reasonable costs.
Transference of costs goes down.
There is less of a rise in costs for policy holders.
The hospitals are in better shape financially.
The system helps to stabilize policy costs.
It helps to keep Medicare costs down.
It's not a bad system, if it is implemented right.
It can work.
The reason Obamacare doesn't work is because the implementation is flawed. Politics kept the necessary changes from the table.
A two payer system can work if we do it right.
If the costs of the policy is less because of the Medicaid coverage, the policy is affordable to the working people who have lower paying jobs. No one is cut back or laid off.
Medicaid is alleviated financially by the policies paying some on the care. This is good.
Pre existing conditions can be met.
Policies can be kept.
As the income or financial circumstance of the family or individual improves, more can be transferred to the private policy.
<Medicaid and the private policies work together to provide everybody coverage.
Higher income earners can opt, in, with more coverage on the policies at a higher cost.
No one is turned away. No one is dropped.
People get better coverage overall.
A minimum of coverage is set on the insurance policies.
A maximum is set on the cost of the policies.
The person chooses the policy coverage.
This system works to save existing policies. It works to reinstate people who have been dropped, with better coverage for the same costs or less, truly.
If it is done right it can work.
Americans can have confidence in coverage.
No one is bankrupt. Lives are saved. Care is available at reasonable costs.
Transference of costs goes down.
There is less of a rise in costs for policy holders.
The hospitals are in better shape financially.
The system helps to stabilize policy costs.
It helps to keep Medicare costs down.
It's not a bad system, if it is implemented right.
It can work.
The reason Obamacare doesn't work is because the implementation is flawed. Politics kept the necessary changes from the table.
A two payer system can work if we do it right.
Note About Amazon Gift Cards- (Holiday Shoppers)
This is a note concerning Gift Card purchases at Amazon.
The gift cards are a great way to send last minute gifts. Or give yourself a gift that can be used for purchases in the future. Sort of like your own private account.
There are many ways to send the cards but I have experience and my advise is to keep it simple if your a first timer. Don't get fancy right now because something could go wrong with a picture or Email.
Just order the cards and have them delivered. That's the best way to send the gifts, now.
If your experienced don't worry about it.
Merry Christmas! And happy New Year!
The gift cards are a great way to send last minute gifts. Or give yourself a gift that can be used for purchases in the future. Sort of like your own private account.
There are many ways to send the cards but I have experience and my advise is to keep it simple if your a first timer. Don't get fancy right now because something could go wrong with a picture or Email.
Just order the cards and have them delivered. That's the best way to send the gifts, now.
If your experienced don't worry about it.
Merry Christmas! And happy New Year!
" Network Of Socialist Intel" Continued- (The Spread - Cultures) Invisible Virus
The 'good-ol'-boy's" club of the socialist intel networks apparently took the mutating virus out of a government lab in 1993. Took it to China to study. (Probably in some Intelligence slave lab, set up by the science thieves in the intel communities, feeding their companies works that were accomplished by scientists in the U.S.,
or other countries. It doesn't seem to matter to them, who steals what or where the works wind up, as long as their murdering thieving trash gets control of it. Well, they got control of a good one this time.
It wasn't the virus that mutated. It was a virus that caused the virus to mutate.
The viruses that were becoming resistant to the antibiotics were being affected by the invisible virus.
Claims of the medical research community stated that; they believed the resistance of viruses to antibiotics, was because of viruses building up imunities, due to over exposure to drugs such as penicillin.
Over medicating became the number one concern.
Cultures were made from the virus before it mutated to allow for studies.
The handling of the virus became a paramount concern, even
though they didn't realize what they were doing.
Each batch of cultures potentially held the invisible virus within the normal virus, before it mutated.
The fact that the virus may have mutated in lab experiment, that gave researchers a chance to study the mutating virus, became the the beginning of what could turn out to be a difficult problem to deal with.
If the manufacture of the cultures led to the spread of the virus that caused the mutations, then it was a matter of how many and where the cultures went to.
Hopefully none wound up back in the U.S..
or other countries. It doesn't seem to matter to them, who steals what or where the works wind up, as long as their murdering thieving trash gets control of it. Well, they got control of a good one this time.
It wasn't the virus that mutated. It was a virus that caused the virus to mutate.
The viruses that were becoming resistant to the antibiotics were being affected by the invisible virus.
Claims of the medical research community stated that; they believed the resistance of viruses to antibiotics, was because of viruses building up imunities, due to over exposure to drugs such as penicillin.
Over medicating became the number one concern.
Cultures were made from the virus before it mutated to allow for studies.
The handling of the virus became a paramount concern, even
though they didn't realize what they were doing.
Each batch of cultures potentially held the invisible virus within the normal virus, before it mutated.
The fact that the virus may have mutated in lab experiment, that gave researchers a chance to study the mutating virus, became the the beginning of what could turn out to be a difficult problem to deal with.
If the manufacture of the cultures led to the spread of the virus that caused the mutations, then it was a matter of how many and where the cultures went to.
Hopefully none wound up back in the U.S..
Thursday, December 19, 2013
For Vampires "Merry Christmas Miracles List"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
"That's LIBERAL And They Know It!" Medicare pays for ACA-Medicaid. (Abortion)
So we cut Medicare (again) to help fund Affordable Health Care Act.
The problem with cutting Medicare to help find the money to control spending in the future, is that it's not really just Medicare money. The money is in a giant pool of revenue that comes into one super huge account. And from there it may be used for any number of things, (like the programs that depend on that pool of money in the first place.) Medicaid- ACA- Rehab- Mental Health for examples.
That's like cutting out money from the account that you are going to get money to pay for things from. That's ridiculous!
The most important thing to them is making sure that they get the three thousand dollars a month for birth control-contraceptives. That's just like the government saying that abortions are paid for with that three thousand dollars but it's not birth control and it's the states that authorized it.
That's LIBERAL. And they know it.
The problem with cutting Medicare to help find the money to control spending in the future, is that it's not really just Medicare money. The money is in a giant pool of revenue that comes into one super huge account. And from there it may be used for any number of things, (like the programs that depend on that pool of money in the first place.) Medicaid- ACA- Rehab- Mental Health for examples.
That's like cutting out money from the account that you are going to get money to pay for things from. That's ridiculous!
The most important thing to them is making sure that they get the three thousand dollars a month for birth control-contraceptives. That's just like the government saying that abortions are paid for with that three thousand dollars but it's not birth control and it's the states that authorized it.
That's LIBERAL. And they know it.
(The Constitution) " Bipartisanship- That's What It's There For"
If money was spent on something unconstitutional then that money should be repaid and measures to stop payments to what has been determined to be unconstitutional, on the new budget, should ordered.
Refusing to admit that paying for abortions is unconstitutional, under the Affordable Healthcare Act laws, is not- (a break the law for free privilege) - of the Senate or House of Representatives; is it?
Senators can be brought to justice for unconstitutional acts. Sometimes they can be charged with crimes.
State policy decisions, do not, guarantee the federal government a right to break the law.
The federal government has overstepped it's boundaries and wandered into the land of: "Do What They Want To Do." Apparently, without any regard to the constitution or their own rules and regulations.
What the liars in Washington need to be bipartisan about is the CONSTITUTION!
That's what it's there for.
Refusing to admit that paying for abortions is unconstitutional, under the Affordable Healthcare Act laws, is not- (a break the law for free privilege) - of the Senate or House of Representatives; is it?
Senators can be brought to justice for unconstitutional acts. Sometimes they can be charged with crimes.
State policy decisions, do not, guarantee the federal government a right to break the law.
The federal government has overstepped it's boundaries and wandered into the land of: "Do What They Want To Do." Apparently, without any regard to the constitution or their own rules and regulations.
What the liars in Washington need to be bipartisan about is the CONSTITUTION!
That's what it's there for.
Monday, December 16, 2013
"It's Not The Budget, It's Obamacare We Hate"
It's not about the budget Boehner it's Obamacare.
"The Federal government paying for abortions is unconstitutional, dude."
It's about the federal government is a tyrant that is teamed up with the filthiest governments in the world and we (Americans) are tired of paying for it. "Don't you get it?"
We don't want it! It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner.
It's the Obamacare Boehner.
It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.
I think it's Obamacare, We don't want the government yankin' around any more on the healthcare system.
It's not about the budget Boehner it's Obamacare.
"The Federal government paying for abortions is unconstitutional, dude."
It's about the federal government is a tyrant that is teamed up with the filthiest governments in the world and we (Americans) are tired of paying for it. "Don't you get it?"
We don't want it! It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner. It's the Obamacare Boehner.
It's the Obamacare Boehner.
It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.It's the Obamacare Boehner.
I think it's Obamacare, We don't want the government yankin' around any more on the healthcare system.
" Network Of Socialist Intel" Continued- (The Spread - Cultures) Invisible Virus
The 'good-ol'-boy's" club of the socialist intel networks apparently took the mutating virus out of a government lab in 1993. Took it to China to study. (Probably in some Intelligence slave lab, set up by the science thieves in the intel communities, feeding their companies works that were accomplished by scientists in the U.S.,
or other countries. It doesn't seem to matter to them, who steals what or where the works wind up, as long as their murdering thieving trash gets control of it. Well, they got control of a good one this time.
It wasn't the virus that mutated. It was a virus that caused the virus to mutate.
The viruses that were becoming resistant to the antibiotics were being affected by the invisible virus.
Claims of the medical research community stated that; they believed the resistance of viruses to antibiotics, was because of viruses building up imunities, due to over exposure to drugs such as penicillin.
Over medicating became the number one concern.
Cultures were made from the virus before it mutated to allow for studies.
The handling of the virus became a paramount concern, even
though they didn't realize what they were doing.
Each batch of cultures potentially held the invisible virus within the normal virus, before it mutated.
The fact that the virus may have mutated in lab experiment, that gave researchers a chance to study the mutating virus, became the the beginning of what could turn out to be a difficult problem to deal with.
If the manufacture of the cultures led to the spread of the virus that caused the mutations, then it was a matter of how many and where the cultures went to.
Hopefully none wound up back in the U.S..
or other countries. It doesn't seem to matter to them, who steals what or where the works wind up, as long as their murdering thieving trash gets control of it. Well, they got control of a good one this time.
It wasn't the virus that mutated. It was a virus that caused the virus to mutate.
The viruses that were becoming resistant to the antibiotics were being affected by the invisible virus.
Claims of the medical research community stated that; they believed the resistance of viruses to antibiotics, was because of viruses building up imunities, due to over exposure to drugs such as penicillin.
Over medicating became the number one concern.
Cultures were made from the virus before it mutated to allow for studies.
The handling of the virus became a paramount concern, even
though they didn't realize what they were doing.
Each batch of cultures potentially held the invisible virus within the normal virus, before it mutated.
The fact that the virus may have mutated in lab experiment, that gave researchers a chance to study the mutating virus, became the the beginning of what could turn out to be a difficult problem to deal with.
If the manufacture of the cultures led to the spread of the virus that caused the mutations, then it was a matter of how many and where the cultures went to.
Hopefully none wound up back in the U.S..
Sunday, December 15, 2013
"Oklahoma State Capitol Wants And Recipes" (My Answer)
Some things are by laws. Some things are voted on. Some things are agreed to under general consensus.
Some substances when setting alone are different than when mixed in the recipe. Ultimately there is a recipe that results in goodness of life and other recipes result in not good.
By experience and general consensus the right recipe is formulated over a period of the span of civilization. Of society and individual thought in freedoms granted by the outcomes of the total convergence of actions of peoples.
Yes, the child wants. Any parent knows that, in play thoughts. The baby cries and the parent responds with attention.
We know the fear of those who play a different tune. We are not against you.
Play on. But cry not in vain. Know that you, too, are respected and loved, also. Love in kind. Foster no ill will towards the formula of success in life. It is necessary.
Hold fast to what you have in the concrete freedoms guaranteed.
Play on. Respect yourself first.
Be a team player. When loss comes calling, try to remedy the outcome. In that day, accuse the sky.
That's my answer.
Don Robbins-
Some things are by laws. Some things are voted on. Some things are agreed to under general consensus.
Some substances when setting alone are different than when mixed in the recipe. Ultimately there is a recipe that results in goodness of life and other recipes result in not good.
By experience and general consensus the right recipe is formulated over a period of the span of civilization. Of society and individual thought in freedoms granted by the outcomes of the total convergence of actions of peoples.
Yes, the child wants. Any parent knows that, in play thoughts. The baby cries and the parent responds with attention.
We know the fear of those who play a different tune. We are not against you.
Play on. But cry not in vain. Know that you, too, are respected and loved, also. Love in kind. Foster no ill will towards the formula of success in life. It is necessary.
Hold fast to what you have in the concrete freedoms guaranteed.
Play on. Respect yourself first.
Be a team player. When loss comes calling, try to remedy the outcome. In that day, accuse the sky.
That's my answer.
Don Robbins-
Saturday, December 14, 2013
G-Big-G EXCERPT-From Excerpt- Rap On G-Big-G- Pictures
G-Big-G finally went down!
G-Big-G was a dictator clown-
G-Big-G can get outta town!
G-Big-G left with a frown.....
Get out! Big-G, don't want you hangin' around.
Tired of paying for you and the same old sound.
EXCERPT: From DonRobbinsReturns- * Pictures- "And Jesus and love fed China, not Communism." "You can see the cities built with truth and prosperity from the blessings of God, (you call it Capitalism) from outer- space too!" Thought you'd like to know that.
The Chinese government criminals stole from us? So what! We fed the nation. Communism is a freaking dinosaur. Jesus is LOVE! God owns prosperity! LOVE-Not Socialism is the basis of prosperity. End of argument fools!
G-Big-G was a dictator clown-
G-Big-G can get outta town!
G-Big-G left with a frown.....
Get out! Big-G, don't want you hangin' around.
Tired of paying for you and the same old sound.
EXCERPT: From DonRobbinsReturns- * Pictures- "And Jesus and love fed China, not Communism." "You can see the cities built with truth and prosperity from the blessings of God, (you call it Capitalism) from outer- space too!" Thought you'd like to know that.
The Chinese government criminals stole from us? So what! We fed the nation. Communism is a freaking dinosaur. Jesus is LOVE! God owns prosperity! LOVE-Not Socialism is the basis of prosperity. End of argument fools!
Of course! the S. Governments hate the TEA party!
The TEA Party is the sling and the truth is the rock.
G-Big-G is the Goliath of our day.
Why not some Bipartwosome politics? The Democrats can send Obama and Pelosi and Reid home and the Republicans can send Boehner home.
(Did I spell it right? Did I spell it right?)
Is it a deal?
The TEA Party is the sling and the truth is the rock.
G-Big-G is the Goliath of our day.
Why not some Bipartwosome politics? The Democrats can send Obama and Pelosi and Reid home and the Republicans can send Boehner home.
(Did I spell it right? Did I spell it right?)
Is it a deal?
Poster: Featuring the only known picture of the Holy Ghost! |
Thank You Jesus! |
"G-Big-G" -The Goliath of Our Day.
Of course! the S. Governments hate the TEA party!
The TEA Party is the sling and the truth is the rock.
G-Big- G is the Goliath of our day.
Why not some Bipartwosome politics? The Democrats can send Obama and Pelosi and Reid home and the Republicans can send Boehner home.
(Did I spell it right? Did I spell it right?)
Is it a deal?
The TEA Party is the sling and the truth is the rock.
G-Big- G is the Goliath of our day.
Why not some Bipartwosome politics? The Democrats can send Obama and Pelosi and Reid home and the Republicans can send Boehner home.
(Did I spell it right? Did I spell it right?)
Is it a deal?
Friday, December 13, 2013
Obamacare Subsidies Are The Same As Gov. Pay For Abortions".
Subsidizing the exchange policies that cover abortion is the same as the federal government paying for the abortions.
POLITICO Playback - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com
POLITICO Playback - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com
Standardization is the most important part because the laws have to be based on a standard of criteria. Not a standard of what is covered by the policy.
There is a difference.
Payments for services by the insurance provider based on criteria of care was the foundation of decision making when it came to payments, OK'd by the company, to the hospitals.
If criteria was not met, on the part of the medical care provider, then, payments were withheld.
This system actually helped to insure the care received by the patients was more than adequate.
The legal standard of care was based on this model.
Under Obamacare; it is admitted to by professionals, that there is no actual standard of care to judge quality on. There is no standard of care, at this moment. Right now, no one is actually responsible for the standard of quality care the patients receive. (It's being worked on.)
If critical care coverage is necessary and the patients plan does not cover the necessities, with respect to the particular condition they are treated for, the patient could be left to suffer, or possibly die. This occurs without actual guidelines of criteria, as they have been removed for political reasons.
The conversations on criteria in patient care have not been public, yet.
(I checked criteria on patient files on a job I once had. I know some about criteria.)
Standardization is the most important part because the laws have to be based on a standard of criteria. Not a standard of what is covered by the policy.
There is a difference.
Payments for services by the insurance provider based on criteria of care was the foundation of decision making when it came to payments, OK'd by the company, to the hospitals.
If criteria was not met, on the part of the medical care provider, then, payments were withheld.
This system actually helped to insure the care received by the patients was more than adequate.
The legal standard of care was based on this model.
Under Obamacare; it is admitted to by professionals, that there is no actual standard of care to judge quality on. There is no standard of care, at this moment. Right now, no one is actually responsible for the standard of quality care the patients receive. (It's being worked on.)
If critical care coverage is necessary and the patients plan does not cover the necessities, with respect to the particular condition they are treated for, the patient could be left to suffer, or possibly die. This occurs without actual guidelines of criteria, as they have been removed for political reasons.
The conversations on criteria in patient care have not been public, yet.
(I checked criteria on patient files on a job I once had. I know some about criteria.)
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