Now, (under Obamacare) the coverage you have on your insurance policy doesn't mean the procedures will be followed in the hospitals, when you are being cared for.
Basically, that means you are paying for covering financial costs, not paying to receive specific medical care. The care is the same, even if you pay for specific coverage. That means you may not get the care you want when your in the hospital.
Certain tests that you take for granted can also be left out of the care, that would have been routine, before Obamacare.
Other tests that wouldn't have been given, and could be completely unnecessary, may be ordered.
These specific instructions for less care, or more unnecessary care, are ordered by the government, not the doctors or hospitals.
Care for critically ill patients was ordered to be cut under Obamacare. Stents in heart surgery patients were left out of initial procedures that was ordered by the government. (As an example.)
Tests that would have been routine under criteria, that are necessary for doctors to make critical decisions, were ordered left out of normal procedures. This was called a cost saving by the administration. Only the poorest patients were cut for services and such tests under the Obamacare authority.
Patients who have government workers insurance policies were exempt from the cuts in operations, such as stents, in heart failure, that is life threatening.
The government can make the same cuts a requirement on those policies in the future if they decide to.
How to protect yourself in this situation becomes the number one priority. How to guarantee that you or your loved ones will receive proper care if they go to the hospital is the question.
Just having a policy wont guarantee that you receive proper care.
There is no guarantee of adequate, or proper care under Obamacare.
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