The 'good-ol'-boy's" club of the socialist intel networks apparently took the mutating virus out of a government lab in 1993. Took it to China to study. (Probably in some Intelligence slave lab, set up by the science thieves in the intel communities, feeding their companies works that were accomplished by scientists in the U.S.,
or other countries. It doesn't seem to matter to them, who steals what or where the works wind up, as long as their murdering thieving trash gets control of it. Well, they got control of a good one this time.
It wasn't the virus that mutated. It was a virus that caused the virus to mutate.
The viruses that were becoming resistant to the antibiotics were being affected by the invisible virus.
Claims of the medical research community stated that; they believed the resistance of viruses to antibiotics, was because of viruses building up imunities, due to over exposure to drugs such as penicillin.
Over medicating became the number one concern.
Cultures were made from the virus before it mutated to allow for studies.
The handling of the virus became a paramount concern, even
though they didn't realize what they were doing.
Each batch of cultures potentially held the invisible virus within the normal virus, before it mutated.
The fact that the virus may have mutated in lab experiment, that gave researchers a chance to study the mutating virus, became the the beginning of what could turn out to be a difficult problem to deal with.
If the manufacture of the cultures led to the spread of the virus that caused the mutations, then it was a matter of how many and where the cultures went to.
Hopefully none wound up back in the U.S..
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