"It's not difficult to go back to the table and work out a plan that will actually work." "That both, Democrats and Republicans can agree on, in principal, anyway."
"Better, it is, to build on a plan that people agree with, Than it is to stick with a plan that is inconsistent with American principals and reasoning."
"First of all: Don't bring what is disruptive and harmful to the table and force it through with more votes."
"The problem with Obamacare, isn't the mechanics of the implementation." "The problem with Obama care is that there are so many policies and people exempt from it, no one could tell whether it would work, or not." (As the grand governmental medical experiment, it is.)
"Any results, from the study of outcomes are undetermined outcomes, because the study of the effects on the system, (positive or negative), cannot be truly determined because the numbers of people covered is not accurate to begin with."
"Medicaid, with a private insurance as a supplemental to coverage, for the lower income person needing coverage, is a two payer system."
"A two payer system is more like the Medicare system with supplemental plans for the retired, as an example."
"A two payer system implemented for the lower income workers and the young, with respect to the quality of coverage, verses cost, is the best plan."
"A two payer system is also less expensive that Obamacare."
(The two payer system is less expensive because of input into the insurance pool.) "The working and the young, pay into insurance at a lower rate because of the coverage of Medicaid."
"The supplemental coverage is therefore less expensive." "More coverage, less expensive."
"That is what young people want, for themselves and their new families." "That's what working people want."
"Insurance policies can be modified to supplemental levels for the poor and lower income persons."
"Time and income levels can be established to eventually phase people out of the Medicaid coverage and into whole coverage on private policies."
"In this way, insurance can be offered as a supplemental."
"The cost on the government provided Medicaid is then less." "Less than on Obamacare."
"Splitting the coverage between insurance and Medicaid results in more coverage at less cost to the client."
"The younger people who are starting out in the working environment would find this arrangement more attractive that the one payer system under Obamacare."
"Cost issues are keeping the younger people from willingly signing up to the plan."
"The two payer system is also better for the under, or, uninsured who have lost coverage under Obamacare, and for other reasons."
"The same level of coverage for all isn't happening with the Medicaid one payer and the exchange policy one payer system."
"Obamacare is a one payer system, that's all there is to it."
"Two one payer systems. together, don't make a two payer system."
"There is a difference. "In this case a huge difference with respect to cost, coverage, economy, and choice."
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