As you can see. Most of these views are of designs at Cafepress. Usually the artworks have links to the page. After 28,000 views there are only two views at Cafepress recorded and no sales.
This is for a 8 month period. There are far more views before this time period. And still no views at all.
Is this hate?
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Yahoo- Is This Cyber Terrorism?
Is this legal?
How do they track me to every page I visit. Isn't this gross invasion of privacy and cyber terrorism?
Is this legal?
How do they track me to every page I visit. Isn't this gross invasion of privacy and cyber terrorism?
What's the deal here?
A Reason For The Death Penalty- (Not In Domestic Crime Prevention)- Opinion
Will the debate on the death penalty be a factor in upcoming elections? I think so.
I believe that the death penalty argument is more of a religious matter than it is a political point.
Personally, I don't uphold the death penalty in a corrupt system. Death is not something corrupt officials should have at their disposal for any reason in a fascist run government state.
Death penalties, in the corrections system, is the government playing God. The idea that problems are solved by executions is absurd.
With the social order, that is controlled by fascists in the political parties, the death penalty is more of a tool that is used for control over the masses by the super powerful. It, in itself, is a political statement.
Less complicated and mostly painless, firing squads would be better in a circumstance where terrorists are dealt with legally by the justice system.
That is a matter of military oversight. When crimes that are horrible in nature and that are generated to cause disturbance of domestic tranquility or spread fear by organized terror squads, then, yes, a firing squad under the control of the military or federal authorities would be in order.
There is a place and a reason for the death penalty, but it's not in the public system of justice in cases of domestic violence.
Love first. Hate last.
Will the debate on the death penalty be a factor in upcoming elections? I think so.
I believe that the death penalty argument is more of a religious matter than it is a political point.
Personally, I don't uphold the death penalty in a corrupt system. Death is not something corrupt officials should have at their disposal for any reason in a fascist run government state.
Death penalties, in the corrections system, is the government playing God. The idea that problems are solved by executions is absurd.
With the social order, that is controlled by fascists in the political parties, the death penalty is more of a tool that is used for control over the masses by the super powerful. It, in itself, is a political statement.
Less complicated and mostly painless, firing squads would be better in a circumstance where terrorists are dealt with legally by the justice system.
That is a matter of military oversight. When crimes that are horrible in nature and that are generated to cause disturbance of domestic tranquility or spread fear by organized terror squads, then, yes, a firing squad under the control of the military or federal authorities would be in order.
There is a place and a reason for the death penalty, but it's not in the public system of justice in cases of domestic violence.
Love first. Hate last.
Execution Oklahoma Blotched Horror- (End The Deah Penalty)
Oklahoma inmate’s lawyer on the botched execution: ‘Complete horror’
Got the "Green Mile" beat by a mile.
It is true that Texas suspended executions for the same reasons. There was a delay in the acquirement of the appropriate drugs. (The drugs have to be purchased from a normal retail pharmacy.) This law resulted in problems with corrections being able to obtain the right drugs. "
*Sort of like mental patients trying to get medical care for diagnosis, before treatment. (Just thought I'd throw that in there.) "
The article on the link above, doesn't cover the whole story. You probably wont hear the whole story in the media."
The rest of the story happens after the curtain is closed. Or, so they tell it that way."
Apparently after the convulsions and horrible writhing and moans from the guy waking up, a blood vessel broke. What caused it, is under investigation."
The victim was found guilty of raping and killing an infant less than a year old. Some people in this state would call it justice; the way he died."
Some people would say that's the reason we don't believe in the death penalty.
"Two horrors doesn't equal justice." "Death is not justice."
"Executions are just the government playing God."
-_Lord have mercy on us._-
Got the "Green Mile" beat by a mile.
It is true that Texas suspended executions for the same reasons. There was a delay in the acquirement of the appropriate drugs. (The drugs have to be purchased from a normal retail pharmacy.) This law resulted in problems with corrections being able to obtain the right drugs. "
*Sort of like mental patients trying to get medical care for diagnosis, before treatment. (Just thought I'd throw that in there.) "
The article on the link above, doesn't cover the whole story. You probably wont hear the whole story in the media."
The rest of the story happens after the curtain is closed. Or, so they tell it that way."
Apparently after the convulsions and horrible writhing and moans from the guy waking up, a blood vessel broke. What caused it, is under investigation."
The victim was found guilty of raping and killing an infant less than a year old. Some people in this state would call it justice; the way he died."
Some people would say that's the reason we don't believe in the death penalty.
"Two horrors doesn't equal justice." "Death is not justice."
"Executions are just the government playing God."
-_Lord have mercy on us._-
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
"Don't Let Obamacare Rope You Into An Unwanted Category."
It is difficult to read the article that explains how things turn out worse for a whole segment of the population under Obamacare. (Speaking of the mentally ill of course.)
; how the most ignored and forgotten segment of the population somehow managed to be left out when it came to concerns of healthcare reform.(AGAIN) "No surprise."
Maybe it's because in reality Obamacare isn't reform at all. It is difficult to read the article, here.
If you could read and understand that, I guess you could read and understand the 2500 pages of jargon and rhetoric called the Affordable Healthcare Act.
The problem is that when it came to the truly needy and the most ignored in the system, it wasn't possible for the politicians to care enough to read the bill before they signed it.
Or look into the effects, on that segment of the population, before they started dictating outcomes for people. And states.
{ ( This Is Not true) }
This article from 2013 shows the misinformed trying to sell Obamacare by making up stories about changes that were not in the bill. There are many other such articles. Some seem to be just made up and accepted and published on political promotion reasons. I wander how difficult it was to publish a truthful article at the time?
The major problem with the mentally ill, is homelessness. Being homeless.
The second biggest problem is any type of adequate health care. And in a lot of cases, (I checked) the diagnosis that many never received is still not covered under Obamacare.
Listen: I wrote this article. I set up this blog. I taught myself how to use this computer.
Not many years ago I couldn't feed myself for a time. I couldn't remember how to get home from work after I worked in the same place for a year. I walked away from places where I lived, into the street, without knowing what I was doing.
I was severely abused. Medically neglected.
The medical neglect I suffered as a child led to some of my difficulties, in the first place.
Failure to diagnose illness was a main factor in non treatment of the mentally ill. That policy has never changed.
To be diagnosed and treated medically is the best thing that can happen to mental patients.
Understand that this anti care bill (Obamacare) can keep medically ill people from being diagnosed.
The legality of allowing a person to die without even trying to determine their sickness is what many of these people face. Not just the usual circumstance of the mentally ill being ignored.
It is legal to place someone in a mental facility and let them die from a heart attack. As an example.
Sending critically ill patients into mental health care to avoid expenses of treatment is a reality. Obamacare makes it a legal reality.
*I was asked to sign papers to receive mental testing while I was in the hospital for a massive heart attack. The doctor came into my room and tried to trick me into going to have a mental examination before I went into surgery.
I have a feeling that if I would have agreed to take tests for mental competence I would have never got back to the hospital for heart surgery. The rest of the stay was brutal, viscous, cruel, and abusive, but I did get enough surgery to survive. Even though they cut the operation in half and discharged me without telling me. (Government ordered.) I found out the hard way about two weeks later.
Under Obamacare, they also don't have to tell you things like that.
They know- (It's easy to take advantage of the mental patient.) And apparently they don't matter as much as other people.
Obamacare didn't change that mechanism in American medical care" it reemphasized it.
4 Million people still face inadequate care in the system who are classified as mentally ill. Many of those people are drug dependent or homeless. Do not let the Obama administration warehouse people into the mentally ill category. It's not a good place to be if your rights are already in jeopardy.
+(Be sure to tell people you know, not to sign papers for mental evaluation when they are in the hospital. Especially before surgery.)
; how the most ignored and forgotten segment of the population somehow managed to be left out when it came to concerns of healthcare reform.(AGAIN) "No surprise."
Maybe it's because in reality Obamacare isn't reform at all. It is difficult to read the article, here.
If you could read and understand that, I guess you could read and understand the 2500 pages of jargon and rhetoric called the Affordable Healthcare Act.
The problem is that when it came to the truly needy and the most ignored in the system, it wasn't possible for the politicians to care enough to read the bill before they signed it.
Or look into the effects, on that segment of the population, before they started dictating outcomes for people. And states.
{ ( This Is Not true) }
This article from 2013 shows the misinformed trying to sell Obamacare by making up stories about changes that were not in the bill. There are many other such articles. Some seem to be just made up and accepted and published on political promotion reasons. I wander how difficult it was to publish a truthful article at the time?
The major problem with the mentally ill, is homelessness. Being homeless.
The second biggest problem is any type of adequate health care. And in a lot of cases, (I checked) the diagnosis that many never received is still not covered under Obamacare.
Listen: I wrote this article. I set up this blog. I taught myself how to use this computer.
Not many years ago I couldn't feed myself for a time. I couldn't remember how to get home from work after I worked in the same place for a year. I walked away from places where I lived, into the street, without knowing what I was doing.
I was severely abused. Medically neglected.
The medical neglect I suffered as a child led to some of my difficulties, in the first place.
Failure to diagnose illness was a main factor in non treatment of the mentally ill. That policy has never changed.
To be diagnosed and treated medically is the best thing that can happen to mental patients.
Understand that this anti care bill (Obamacare) can keep medically ill people from being diagnosed.
The legality of allowing a person to die without even trying to determine their sickness is what many of these people face. Not just the usual circumstance of the mentally ill being ignored.
It is legal to place someone in a mental facility and let them die from a heart attack. As an example.
Sending critically ill patients into mental health care to avoid expenses of treatment is a reality. Obamacare makes it a legal reality.
*I was asked to sign papers to receive mental testing while I was in the hospital for a massive heart attack. The doctor came into my room and tried to trick me into going to have a mental examination before I went into surgery.
I have a feeling that if I would have agreed to take tests for mental competence I would have never got back to the hospital for heart surgery. The rest of the stay was brutal, viscous, cruel, and abusive, but I did get enough surgery to survive. Even though they cut the operation in half and discharged me without telling me. (Government ordered.) I found out the hard way about two weeks later.
Under Obamacare, they also don't have to tell you things like that.
They know- (It's easy to take advantage of the mental patient.) And apparently they don't matter as much as other people.
Obamacare didn't change that mechanism in American medical care" it reemphasized it.
4 Million people still face inadequate care in the system who are classified as mentally ill. Many of those people are drug dependent or homeless. Do not let the Obama administration warehouse people into the mentally ill category. It's not a good place to be if your rights are already in jeopardy.
+(Be sure to tell people you know, not to sign papers for mental evaluation when they are in the hospital. Especially before surgery.)
VZ Head T-Shirt link- To Cafepress- Don Robbins
Here's a picture of what they missed at Myspace. No previews. Get VZ Head T-Shirt
This picture is called VZ Head- Vampire/Zombie. Says "Hi!" Get VZ Head T-Shirt
This picture is called VZ Head- Vampire/Zombie. Says "Hi!"
Saturday, April 26, 2014
I n Case Your Wandering What It Means- Mysterious Places
Represents Vectors. Math values.
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Tickets Were Purchased For Me And Susan Buffet by Buffets Company In Africa In 1993
The train tickets were purchased for me and you Susan Buffet. Not for me and Amy Westinghouse. By your fathers company, in Africa. For the train in Africa. The Plane tickets were also purchased for me and you in Africa by your fathers company. Amy Westinghouse was supposed to have purchased the tickets, She didn't. She was supposed to have purchased the tickets for me and her to go to Tulsa. She did not purchase the tickets. Someone in the company owned by Warren Buffet did. The tickets were purchased at the same time. You got on the train in Africa in 1993. It wrecked. The C.I.A. came to Tulsa and told me you had died on the train. (Your alias.) I did not know you as Susan Buffet. I knew you as my friend and business partner. I had an office in Bangkok.
You did not die on the train. I was there when you got on the train. Warren and a woman I thought to be his wife and another woman were there. I saw them before the train left.
The picture was of you on the ground dead. I knew it wasn't you. They reported you dead from the wreck. The C.I.A. agents in the Embassy in Paris told me in Tulsa you died. You were reported dead.
(The person I knew you as.)
The train wreck in Alabama happened after the train wreck in Africa. The picture of the woman who they said was you in the train wreck in Africa was shown on TV and they said it was a picture of you in the train wreck in Alabama. I knew it wasn't.
The office building was sold to the federal government by the C.I.A. An impostor assumed my identity.
I was drugged.
Twenty minutes after the C.I.A. agents left me at the airport in Tulsa. I forgot everything. I wandered the streets for months and made it back to my parents house.
That was in 1993.
The man that worked for you on the computers was killed by C.I.A. agents in a motel cabin later.
They were apparently looking for the computers that we used in the business. Servers.
He died saving my life.
You did not die on the train. I was there when you got on the train. Warren and a woman I thought to be his wife and another woman were there. I saw them before the train left.
The picture was of you on the ground dead. I knew it wasn't you. They reported you dead from the wreck. The C.I.A. agents in the Embassy in Paris told me in Tulsa you died. You were reported dead.
(The person I knew you as.)
The train wreck in Alabama happened after the train wreck in Africa. The picture of the woman who they said was you in the train wreck in Africa was shown on TV and they said it was a picture of you in the train wreck in Alabama. I knew it wasn't.
The office building was sold to the federal government by the C.I.A. An impostor assumed my identity.
I was drugged.
Twenty minutes after the C.I.A. agents left me at the airport in Tulsa. I forgot everything. I wandered the streets for months and made it back to my parents house.
That was in 1993.
The man that worked for you on the computers was killed by C.I.A. agents in a motel cabin later.
They were apparently looking for the computers that we used in the business. Servers.
He died saving my life.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
How To Protect From Misdiagnosis in Mental Healthcare
Misdiagnosed bipolar: One girl's struggle to get the right treatment
This is one reason that people who suffer from mental illnesses need a medical examination before they are medicated. Misdiagnosis can cover up the true illness and lead to further complications.
Medical testing is being completely ignored under Obamacare.
Medicaid and insurance polices should cover testing that is ordered by psychologists before the routine examination for mental illness.
It should not be legal to medicate without diagnosis under medical and psychological care by professional doctors.
This is one reason that people who suffer from mental illnesses need a medical examination before they are medicated. Misdiagnosis can cover up the true illness and lead to further complications.
Medical testing is being completely ignored under Obamacare.
Medicaid and insurance polices should cover testing that is ordered by psychologists before the routine examination for mental illness.
It should not be legal to medicate without diagnosis under medical and psychological care by professional doctors.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Democratic Policies Don't Work When Greed Becomes The Primary Motivation
Proxy became the method to make so called democratic decisions in the exchange of financial incentives. Voting on whether or not to cut Capitol expenditures by spending all profits on stockholders
and management became the process in decision making.
Company needs came second. Worker needs came third.
Operating expenses were automatically paid for with borrowed money.
The formula was: All profit out the door to stockholders- CEO's paid bonuses to agree with Proxy decisions.
Borrowed money was considered company debt. Assets became collateral.
There's no need to elaborate further-you get the idea.
Democratic Policies In Business Decision Making Don't Work When Greed Becomes The Primary Motivation.
Proxy decisions are unethical and moronic.
and management became the process in decision making.
Company needs came second. Worker needs came third.
Operating expenses were automatically paid for with borrowed money.
The formula was: All profit out the door to stockholders- CEO's paid bonuses to agree with Proxy decisions.
Borrowed money was considered company debt. Assets became collateral.
There's no need to elaborate further-you get the idea.
Democratic Policies In Business Decision Making Don't Work When Greed Becomes The Primary Motivation.
Proxy decisions are unethical and moronic.
2/54-2/54- Taxes- High Rates- Tax Free- Largest Internal Corprations- Check first-Get Back Tonight
The total wealth of the top twenty companies in America account for about one and a half trillion dollars out of the fifty four trillion accounted for in the U.S. economy.
That's 2/54 at best. Cargill is the biggest with 136 billion. Koch brothers are in a far second place.
The rest is mostly controlled by international corporations. Even Cargill that is a family owned business buys a lot of agricultural products from other countries. Like beef from Argentina.
There doesn't seem to be any specific ties to the political arena with these companies.
The international companies might be a different story. Let's take a look at them.
Energy and utilities mostly.
Wal -Mart is still the biggest of all- but in this study were looking for a reason that so much wealth is accumulated at the top.
So much, that it's causing problems in economic terms, regardless of the perpetual suffering and misery index.
If the economy was taxed as a single unit the taxes would be less than 2/54 of the overall economy. (Don't get mixed up with that number.) That would be somewhere between 2 and 3% of actual tax paid in the economy. When workers are paying up to 50% and some companies are also paying near 50% in taxes on revenue. Something isn't right.
The politicians make it sound like were paying a lot of tax when actually, expenditures on entitlements doesn't even amount to two cents on the dollar. That's lower than any country in the world, not higher.
It's almost like 5% of the economy is taxed at a very high rate and the rest is tax free. That's one thing.
They say American companies are taxed at a high rate. That seems to be true but it's only 1/54 of the economy earnings. At a moderate accounting of tax verse expenditures-overall. I mean economically overall. (Don't get me wrong.)
Let's look at this and then I'll get back with you , later. Probably tonight sometime.
I have to look into my designs. Here's a link to some of my work.
That's 2/54 at best. Cargill is the biggest with 136 billion. Koch brothers are in a far second place.
The rest is mostly controlled by international corporations. Even Cargill that is a family owned business buys a lot of agricultural products from other countries. Like beef from Argentina.
There doesn't seem to be any specific ties to the political arena with these companies.
The international companies might be a different story. Let's take a look at them.
Energy and utilities mostly.
Wal -Mart is still the biggest of all- but in this study were looking for a reason that so much wealth is accumulated at the top.
So much, that it's causing problems in economic terms, regardless of the perpetual suffering and misery index.
If the economy was taxed as a single unit the taxes would be less than 2/54 of the overall economy. (Don't get mixed up with that number.) That would be somewhere between 2 and 3% of actual tax paid in the economy. When workers are paying up to 50% and some companies are also paying near 50% in taxes on revenue. Something isn't right.
The politicians make it sound like were paying a lot of tax when actually, expenditures on entitlements doesn't even amount to two cents on the dollar. That's lower than any country in the world, not higher.
It's almost like 5% of the economy is taxed at a very high rate and the rest is tax free. That's one thing.
They say American companies are taxed at a high rate. That seems to be true but it's only 1/54 of the economy earnings. At a moderate accounting of tax verse expenditures-overall. I mean economically overall. (Don't get me wrong.)
Let's look at this and then I'll get back with you , later. Probably tonight sometime.
I have to look into my designs. Here's a link to some of my work.
Explaining The Super Wealthy - Investment Advice
After the advice on energy investments, the question remains: "Where did the top on e percent get all that money!?"
Why does the top percent control so much wealth?
First of all, let's look into the relationship that those so called American companies have with the government. What is the percentage of those companies with direct links to the Federal government or the direct allies of the Federal government in the international marketplace.
Secondly; Are those companies financed by the world bank or Federal Reserve bank.
Check that out and I'll get back to the subject, later. I'm going to check my self.
And also. It's OK to hold some energy but real estate might take off this week, so get ready to make a decent return on investments with developing properties.
Why does the top percent control so much wealth?
First of all, let's look into the relationship that those so called American companies have with the government. What is the percentage of those companies with direct links to the Federal government or the direct allies of the Federal government in the international marketplace.
Secondly; Are those companies financed by the world bank or Federal Reserve bank.
Check that out and I'll get back to the subject, later. I'm going to check my self.
And also. It's OK to hold some energy but real estate might take off this week, so get ready to make a decent return on investments with developing properties.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
News by Don Robbins- Watson- Sebelius- Request to Grand Palace in Thailand To Return My Office Building.
Bubba Watson wins Masters!
There was no live streaming of the live play. Only highlights and hole coverage.
When will they start live streaming on computer? The cable companies have things so tied up that the services have to be purchased on top of Internet access to stream sports. That is just wrong.
*(Like Madonna posting pictures of children and making reference to them being blessed.)
There was no live streaming of the live play. Only highlights and hole coverage.
When will they start live streaming on computer? The cable companies have things so tied up that the services have to be purchased on top of Internet access to stream sports. That is just wrong.
*(Like Madonna posting pictures of children and making reference to them being blessed.)
- Sebelius admits
"Sebelius admits that Obama Care is stupid."- Yea! "I'd believe that!"
- "When will she admit it?"
I am Don Robbins "I Am Blessed."
(Cars lyrics. blue eyes. She used to be And drip dry when you bite your lip
Here she comes again)
Picture of Grand Palace in Bangkok Thailand on Bing homepage.
Would someone in the Grand Palace ask if I could have my office building back. -Don Robbins. Thank you.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Testing-SUDDS- Requirements- Read Carefully-Obamacare Mandatory Tests-
You will receive care according to your category. Your category will be determined by testing. You are required to take the tests. Government employees are not. Substance Use Disorder (What It Means On Obamacare)
( In other tests. If specific care on Medicaid is ordered it can bankrupt your state. Even if doctors say tests are not necessary, they can still be required by the government. Assessment testing under Obamacare.)
Assessing what category your in, with respect to mental healthcare coverage. (Substance Use Disorder).
People that don't know what Substance Use Disorder is: It is a term used by the government to describe a sickness that a person may, or may not, have. The definition in legal terms is not clear with respect to the laws that were passed.
The sickness you may or may not have is called Substance Use Disorder. It can be thought of as Substance Abuse Disorder.
There is a questionnaire that is given to the policy holder and then an assessment is made on the policy holder while you are being interviewed. After the assessment of the questionnaire and interview, you will be placed into a category ranging from 1 to 5. 5 being the most sick, like schizophrenics and althzeimers patients.
The category you are placed in is permanent. You will be treated in association with the category for the rest of your life.
The assessors are not doctors. Any person the government gives permission to, or hires, can be an assessor. The assessment on your mental health category is not necessarily made by a professional like a doctor. The assessments do not have to be made in a doctors office.
It has not been made clear whether or not it is a requirement to have the assessments made before diagnosis by a doctor, or not.
The testing and assessment on Substance Use Disorder is a way to get you into a particular category. The assessment is probably not required under the law itself, but the categorization is. The assessment becomes a way to determine your category status. Between 1 and 5.
This is probably unconstitutional. There is also no security on the information. Any one can order the results of the assessments in any hospital-doctors office- government office- job- church- school- ect.
After the testing is completed, on 100 million applications, the tests can be ordered to further look into the matter of the possibility of your dependency or Use Disorder. The tests range in price from 5000 dollars to over ten thousand per test.
These tests are not tests that actual mental patients need in order to have a proper diagnosis.
These tests are, strictly, non essential testing that is associated with categorizing the possible Substance Use offenders. If these tests are mandated for every policy holder in a specific category, the cost of the testing could bankrupt your state. Easily.
Substance Abuse Disorder is not a real reason to assess you in mental health. It is not an acceptable way to make determinations on your health. It is only an excuse to categorize you by the government.
People that don't know what Substance Use Disorder is: It is a term used by the government to describe a sickness that a person may, or may not, have. The definition in legal terms is not clear with respect to the laws that were passed.
The sickness you may or may not have is called Substance Use Disorder. It can be thought of as Substance Abuse Disorder.
There is a questionnaire that is given to the policy holder and then an assessment is made on the policy holder while you are being interviewed. After the assessment of the questionnaire and interview, you will be placed into a category ranging from 1 to 5. 5 being the most sick, like schizophrenics and althzeimers patients.
The category you are placed in is permanent. You will be treated in association with the category for the rest of your life.
The assessors are not doctors. Any person the government gives permission to, or hires, can be an assessor. The assessment on your mental health category is not necessarily made by a professional like a doctor. The assessments do not have to be made in a doctors office.
It has not been made clear whether or not it is a requirement to have the assessments made before diagnosis by a doctor, or not.
The testing and assessment on Substance Use Disorder is a way to get you into a particular category. The assessment is probably not required under the law itself, but the categorization is. The assessment becomes a way to determine your category status. Between 1 and 5.
This is probably unconstitutional. There is also no security on the information. Any one can order the results of the assessments in any hospital-doctors office- government office- job- church- school- ect.
After the testing is completed, on 100 million applications, the tests can be ordered to further look into the matter of the possibility of your dependency or Use Disorder. The tests range in price from 5000 dollars to over ten thousand per test.
These tests are not tests that actual mental patients need in order to have a proper diagnosis.
These tests are, strictly, non essential testing that is associated with categorizing the possible Substance Use offenders. If these tests are mandated for every policy holder in a specific category, the cost of the testing could bankrupt your state. Easily.
Substance Abuse Disorder is not a real reason to assess you in mental health. It is not an acceptable way to make determinations on your health. It is only an excuse to categorize you by the government.
Assessing what category your in, with respect to mental healthcare coverage. (Substance Use Disorder).
( In other tests. If specific care on Medicaid is ordered it can bankrupt your state. Even if doctors say tests are not necessary, they can still be required by the government. Assessment testing under Obamacare.)
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Don't Let Obamacare Warehouse You Into The Mentally Ill Category- News by Don Robbins
It is difficult to read the article that explains things turn out worse for a whole segment of the population under Obamacare. (Speaking of the mentally ill of course.)
ns how the most ignored and forgotten segment of the population somehow managed to be lefy out when it came to concerns of healthcare reform.
Maybe it's because in reality Obamacare isn't reform at all. It is difficult to read the article that explain.
If you could read and understand that, I guess you could read and understand the 2500 pages of jargon and rhetoric called the Affordable Healthcare Act. The problem is that when it came to the truly needy and the most ignored in the system, it wasn't possible for the politicians to care enough to read the bill before they signed it. Or look into the effects, on that segment of the population, before they started dictating outcomes for people. And states. (Not true) This article from 2013 shows the misinformed trying to sell Obamacare by making up stories about changes that were not in the bill. There are many other such articles. Some seem to be just made up and accepted and published on political promotion reasons. I wander how difficult it was to publish a truthful article at the time?
The major problem with the mentally ill, is homelessness. Being homeless.
The second biggest problem is any type of adequate health care. And in a lot of cases, (I checked) the diagnosis that many never received is still not covered under Obamacare.
Listen: I wrote this article. I set up this blog. I taught myself how to use this computer.
Not many years ago I couldn't feed myself for a time. I couldn't remember how to get home from work after I worked in the same place for a year. I walked away from places where I lived, into the street, without knowing what I was doing.
I was severely abused. Medically neglected.
The medical neglect I suffered as a child led to some of my difficulties, in the first place.
Failure to diagnose illness was a main factor in non treatment of the mentally ill. That policy has never changed.
To be diagnosed and treated medically is the best thing that can happen to mental patients.
Understand that this anti care bill (Obamacare) can keep medically ill people from being diagnosed.
The legality of allowing a person to die without even trying to determine their sickness is what many of these people face. Not just the usual circumstance of the mentally ill being ignored.
It is legal to place someone in a mental facility and let them die from a heart attack. As an example.
Sending critically ill patients into mental health care to avoid expenses of treatment is a reality. Obamacare makes it a legal reality.
*I was asked to sign papers to receive mental testing while I was in the hospital for a massive heart attack. The doctor came into my room and tried to trick me into going to have a mental examination before I went into surgery.
I have a feeling that if I would have agreed to take tests for mental competence I would have never got back to the hospital for heart surgery. The rest of the stay was brutal, viscous, cruel, and abusive, but I did get enough surgery to survive. Even though they cut the operation in half and discharged me without telling me. (Government ordered.) I found out the hard way about two weeks later.
Under Obamacare, they also don't have to tell you things like that.
They know- (It's easy to take advantage of the mental patient.) And apparently they don't matter as much as other people.
Obamacare didn't change that mechanism in American medical care" it reemphasized it.
4 Million people still face inadequate care in the system who are classified as mentally ill. Many of those people are drug dependent or homeless. Do not let the Obama administration warehouse people into the mentally ill category. It's not a good place to be if your rights are already in jeopardy.
+(Be sure to tell people you know, not to sign papers for mental evaluation when they are in the hospital. Especially before surgery.)
Other News:
A kid stabbed twenty classmates at his school in Pennsylvania. A school security guard was also injured, No fatalities were reported. He was said to have been a well liked and good student.
Gymnastics: These gymnasts compete in front of a excited and loud crowd. More than one lady gymnast has scored a perfect ten. Lloiminicia Hall is one to see preform.
She scored a perfect ten on the floor exercise.
Ukraine: Russian wanna be's are holding up in buildings in Eastern Ukraine, waiting for Russian troops to take over. The world is wanting Russia to be polite.
Weather: The weather here was warm. I played frisbee for 30 minutes. It blew off the back of my moped and I lost it. (Or it was confiscated.) I usually do twenty minutes a day walking. (Heart exercise.)
Lunar eclipse: The eclipse is the 15th. Today is the tenth. There was a sort of eclipse in space.
Mars was bright last night. I saw it.
The rich got richer. The poor got poorer.
ns how the most ignored and forgotten segment of the population somehow managed to be lefy out when it came to concerns of healthcare reform.
Maybe it's because in reality Obamacare isn't reform at all. It is difficult to read the article that explain.
If you could read and understand that, I guess you could read and understand the 2500 pages of jargon and rhetoric called the Affordable Healthcare Act. The problem is that when it came to the truly needy and the most ignored in the system, it wasn't possible for the politicians to care enough to read the bill before they signed it. Or look into the effects, on that segment of the population, before they started dictating outcomes for people. And states. (Not true) This article from 2013 shows the misinformed trying to sell Obamacare by making up stories about changes that were not in the bill. There are many other such articles. Some seem to be just made up and accepted and published on political promotion reasons. I wander how difficult it was to publish a truthful article at the time?
The major problem with the mentally ill, is homelessness. Being homeless.
The second biggest problem is any type of adequate health care. And in a lot of cases, (I checked) the diagnosis that many never received is still not covered under Obamacare.
Listen: I wrote this article. I set up this blog. I taught myself how to use this computer.
Not many years ago I couldn't feed myself for a time. I couldn't remember how to get home from work after I worked in the same place for a year. I walked away from places where I lived, into the street, without knowing what I was doing.
I was severely abused. Medically neglected.
The medical neglect I suffered as a child led to some of my difficulties, in the first place.
Failure to diagnose illness was a main factor in non treatment of the mentally ill. That policy has never changed.
To be diagnosed and treated medically is the best thing that can happen to mental patients.
Understand that this anti care bill (Obamacare) can keep medically ill people from being diagnosed.
The legality of allowing a person to die without even trying to determine their sickness is what many of these people face. Not just the usual circumstance of the mentally ill being ignored.
It is legal to place someone in a mental facility and let them die from a heart attack. As an example.
Sending critically ill patients into mental health care to avoid expenses of treatment is a reality. Obamacare makes it a legal reality.
*I was asked to sign papers to receive mental testing while I was in the hospital for a massive heart attack. The doctor came into my room and tried to trick me into going to have a mental examination before I went into surgery.
I have a feeling that if I would have agreed to take tests for mental competence I would have never got back to the hospital for heart surgery. The rest of the stay was brutal, viscous, cruel, and abusive, but I did get enough surgery to survive. Even though they cut the operation in half and discharged me without telling me. (Government ordered.) I found out the hard way about two weeks later.
Under Obamacare, they also don't have to tell you things like that.
They know- (It's easy to take advantage of the mental patient.) And apparently they don't matter as much as other people.
Obamacare didn't change that mechanism in American medical care" it reemphasized it.
4 Million people still face inadequate care in the system who are classified as mentally ill. Many of those people are drug dependent or homeless. Do not let the Obama administration warehouse people into the mentally ill category. It's not a good place to be if your rights are already in jeopardy.
+(Be sure to tell people you know, not to sign papers for mental evaluation when they are in the hospital. Especially before surgery.)
Other News:
A kid stabbed twenty classmates at his school in Pennsylvania. A school security guard was also injured, No fatalities were reported. He was said to have been a well liked and good student.
Gymnastics: These gymnasts compete in front of a excited and loud crowd. More than one lady gymnast has scored a perfect ten. Lloiminicia Hall is one to see preform.
She scored a perfect ten on the floor exercise.
Ukraine: Russian wanna be's are holding up in buildings in Eastern Ukraine, waiting for Russian troops to take over. The world is wanting Russia to be polite.
Weather: The weather here was warm. I played frisbee for 30 minutes. It blew off the back of my moped and I lost it. (Or it was confiscated.) I usually do twenty minutes a day walking. (Heart exercise.)
Lunar eclipse: The eclipse is the 15th. Today is the tenth. There was a sort of eclipse in space.
Mars was bright last night. I saw it.
The rich got richer. The poor got poorer.
Abstract. Compuheart. Half computer. Half heart. |
Saturday, April 5, 2014
News by Don Robbins - (Picture) - Sleep- Thanks To Our Soldiers- Afghan Election
I didn't actually read the Chris Mathews or Rev. Sharpton reports on NBC news. I did read the report about the Republicans backing down from immigration reform. (Hilllary style.)
My computer broke down for some reason, so I have been absent for a couple days. *Possible sabotage. I don't mean to discriminate and put Chris Mathews name before Rev. Sharpton's. If it seems that way I apologize for my political incorrectness. I learn from my mistakes, next time I promise to do better. In the spirit of the MLK walk anniversary. I don't actually remember what that was. I'll read about it later, or watch Mathews on NBC. Except I don't have TV. I only have a laptop to get news from: and the radio! God love em'.
While I attempted to find what the problem was on my computer I watched the movie about Wiki Leaks. It was good. The information revolution was really something. Once upon a time I had 250 servers. It made me wander if the guys in the movie wound up with a couple of them. The bad guys came after us. (Actually the C.I.A.) That's all I know. And I never got my servers back. The rest of the story is about life on the streets and in and out of hospitals.
Woke up at 1:20. Just in time to take my meds. Started writing. Gave up and fixed a cup of instant coffee.
Did you ever do that? Just stay up and not even try to go back to sleep? Next time I'll read some Mathews.
I'll watch the Sharpton video.
Big pictures-little headlines.
Trailing off......
Here's my latest project at CoverArts at Cafepress. I've never sold anything. I've never gotten any views. But I keep submitting to their platform.
My computer broke down for some reason, so I have been absent for a couple days. *Possible sabotage. I don't mean to discriminate and put Chris Mathews name before Rev. Sharpton's. If it seems that way I apologize for my political incorrectness. I learn from my mistakes, next time I promise to do better. In the spirit of the MLK walk anniversary. I don't actually remember what that was. I'll read about it later, or watch Mathews on NBC. Except I don't have TV. I only have a laptop to get news from: and the radio! God love em'.
While I attempted to find what the problem was on my computer I watched the movie about Wiki Leaks. It was good. The information revolution was really something. Once upon a time I had 250 servers. It made me wander if the guys in the movie wound up with a couple of them. The bad guys came after us. (Actually the C.I.A.) That's all I know. And I never got my servers back. The rest of the story is about life on the streets and in and out of hospitals.
Woke up at 1:20. Just in time to take my meds. Started writing. Gave up and fixed a cup of instant coffee.
Did you ever do that? Just stay up and not even try to go back to sleep? Next time I'll read some Mathews.
I'll watch the Sharpton video.
Big pictures-little headlines.
Trailing off......
Here's my latest project at CoverArts at Cafepress. I've never sold anything. I've never gotten any views. But I keep submitting to their platform.
"What kid wouldn't be happy to take a bath with a shower curtain like that?"
In other news: Watching the Afghans have an election is very inspiring. It, really is, beautiful. Democracy is one of the rights that all people in every nation should be guaranteed.
Thanks to all soldiers who have fought to protect freedom and Democracy for people in this world.
"Great job soldiers." "Get a good night's sleep." (Stay busy.)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Dr.House- F.B.I.- 1993- F.B.I. 1993- Princeton Missing- Abducted- Impostors- Fake Parents-
There was no parents in Princeton of the missing doctor named House. Doctor House did not exist. 1993.
He had no parents in Princeton New Jersey. The F.B.I. agents that investigated the case talked to people who posed as Dr. House's parents. They were impostors.
The man that they claimed to be Dr. House wasn't Dr. House. They just said he was.
I used the name House while I worked there, 1993, before I was abducted and taken to Huntsville Texas.
I was tortured in the abandoned prison in Huntsville, Texas. I escaped. Four policemen died there. They accidentally electrocuted themselves. They had killed three other men while I was there.
I never went back to Princeton.
Two more agents died in the motel area where the servers were. They wanted the servers that we had in the business.
That is what it was all about.
They lied about the HUB. There was no HUB. The information was not secure on the net. 1993.
C.I.A.- F.B.I. - Police- Military- Government- information was not secure. They only said it was.
The men they killed found out and they killed them. They set up the servers before the agents murdered them. 1993.
I survived but I never knew where the servers were.
Your information is on those servers. The HUB on the internet.
The servers have to be replaced and secured.
Got it?
He had no parents in Princeton New Jersey. The F.B.I. agents that investigated the case talked to people who posed as Dr. House's parents. They were impostors.
The man that they claimed to be Dr. House wasn't Dr. House. They just said he was.
I used the name House while I worked there, 1993, before I was abducted and taken to Huntsville Texas.
I was tortured in the abandoned prison in Huntsville, Texas. I escaped. Four policemen died there. They accidentally electrocuted themselves. They had killed three other men while I was there.
I never went back to Princeton.
Two more agents died in the motel area where the servers were. They wanted the servers that we had in the business.
That is what it was all about.
They lied about the HUB. There was no HUB. The information was not secure on the net. 1993.
C.I.A.- F.B.I. - Police- Military- Government- information was not secure. They only said it was.
The men they killed found out and they killed them. They set up the servers before the agents murdered them. 1993.
I survived but I never knew where the servers were.
Your information is on those servers. The HUB on the internet.
The servers have to be replaced and secured.
Got it?
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
More Truth About Obamacare Policies. Coverage Does Not Mean Adequate Or Guaranteed Care
"This law has made our health care system a lot better," Obama said at the White House.
That statement is ridiculous. 21 Billion in new taxes does not help the economy. The payments to primary care physicians will not even begin to cover the necessary costs of specialized care.
The malpractice system is in for a shock, also. MD's cannot afford to pay more malpractice insurance. The primary care doctors cannot take on more responsibility of the overall patient care. Someone in the system has to be accountable for the care that the patients receive.
Without guidelines or criteria there is no adequate procedures to guarantee quality care.
Human rights have already been violated. Refusing care to the poor because of social status is unacceptable. It's barbaric. (Including people from other countries.)
People who have coverage are not guaranteed proper care. It's a lie. Coverage does not mean adequate guaranteed care.
The guarantees of care went out the window with Obamacare.
The exact opposite happened with the passage of the bill.
People no longer have any rights to quality care unless it is written into your policy.
Policy should not be the deciding factor when it comes to your healthcare.
That statement is ridiculous. 21 Billion in new taxes does not help the economy. The payments to primary care physicians will not even begin to cover the necessary costs of specialized care.
The malpractice system is in for a shock, also. MD's cannot afford to pay more malpractice insurance. The primary care doctors cannot take on more responsibility of the overall patient care. Someone in the system has to be accountable for the care that the patients receive.
Without guidelines or criteria there is no adequate procedures to guarantee quality care.
Human rights have already been violated. Refusing care to the poor because of social status is unacceptable. It's barbaric. (Including people from other countries.)
People who have coverage are not guaranteed proper care. It's a lie. Coverage does not mean adequate guaranteed care.
The guarantees of care went out the window with Obamacare.
The exact opposite happened with the passage of the bill.
People no longer have any rights to quality care unless it is written into your policy.
Policy should not be the deciding factor when it comes to your healthcare.
The Big Dipper Is Backwards
If the handle of the Big Dipper is on the left- instead of the right, then what does that mean?
It means were on the other side of the Big Dipper.
It means were on the other side of the Big Dipper.
21 Billion Dollar Flim Flam By The Senate On Obacacaid- Poster "OBAMACAID" (It's Another Rip-Off)
21 Billion dollars. This does not cover specialists. Only MD's on initial visits. Patients are routinely referred to specialized care that they never receive. It's a total waste of money.
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