Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Don't Let Obamacare Warehouse You Into The Mentally Ill Category- News by Don Robbins

   It is difficult to read the article that explains things turn out worse for a whole segment of the population under Obamacare. (Speaking of the mentally ill of course.)
ns how the most ignored and forgotten segment of the population somehow managed to be lefy out when it came to concerns of healthcare reform.
  Maybe it's because in reality Obamacare isn't reform at all. It is difficult to read the article that explain.

    If you could read and understand that, I guess you could read and understand the 2500 pages of jargon and rhetoric called the Affordable Healthcare Act. The problem is that when it came to the truly needy and the most ignored in the system, it wasn't possible for the politicians to care enough to read the bill before they signed it. Or look into the effects, on that segment of the population, before they started dictating outcomes for people. And states. (Not true) This article from 2013 shows the misinformed trying to sell Obamacare by making up stories about changes that were not in the bill. There are many other such articles. Some seem to be just made up and accepted and published  on political promotion reasons. I wander how difficult it was to publish a truthful article at the time?

  The major problem with the mentally ill, is homelessness. Being homeless.
  The second biggest problem is any type of adequate health care. And in a lot of cases, (I checked) the diagnosis that many never received is still not covered under Obamacare.

 Listen: I wrote this article. I set up this blog. I taught myself how to use this computer.
Not many years ago I couldn't feed myself for a time. I couldn't remember how to get home from work after I worked in the same place for a year. I walked away from places where  I lived, into the street, without knowing what I was doing.
I was severely abused. Medically neglected.

The medical neglect I suffered as a child led to some of my difficulties, in the first place.
 Failure to  diagnose illness was a main factor in non treatment of the mentally ill. That policy  has never changed.

  To be diagnosed and treated medically is the best thing that can happen to mental patients.
  Understand that this anti care bill (Obamacare) can keep medically ill people from being diagnosed.

The legality of allowing a person to die without even trying to determine their sickness is what many of these people face. Not just the usual circumstance of the  mentally ill being  ignored. 

  It is legal to place someone in a mental facility and let them die from a heart attack. As an example.

  Sending critically ill patients into mental health care to avoid expenses of treatment is a reality. Obamacare makes it a legal reality.

  *I was asked to sign papers to receive mental testing while I was in the hospital for a massive heart attack. The doctor came into my room and tried to trick me into going to have a mental examination before I went into surgery.

  I have a feeling that if I would have agreed to take tests for mental competence I would have never got back to the hospital for heart surgery. The rest of the stay was brutal, viscous, cruel, and abusive, but I did get enough surgery to survive. Even though they cut the operation in half and discharged me without telling me. (Government ordered.) I found out the hard way about two weeks later.

    Under Obamacare, they also don't have to tell you things like that.
They know- (It's easy to take advantage of the mental patient.) And apparently they don't matter as much as other people.

 Obamacare didn't change that mechanism in American medical care" it reemphasized it.

 4 Million people still face inadequate care in the system who are classified as mentally ill. Many of those people are drug dependent or homeless.  Do not let the Obama administration warehouse people into the mentally ill category. It's not a good place to be if your rights are already in jeopardy.

+(Be sure to tell people you know, not to sign papers for mental evaluation when they are in the hospital. Especially before surgery.)

Other News:

  A kid stabbed twenty classmates at his school in Pennsylvania. A school security guard was also injured, No fatalities were reported. He was said to have been a well liked and good student.

 Gymnastics: These gymnasts compete in front of a excited and loud crowd. More than one lady gymnast has scored a perfect ten. Lloiminicia Hall is one to see preform.
She scored a perfect ten on the floor exercise.

Ukraine: Russian wanna be's are holding up in buildings in Eastern Ukraine, waiting for Russian troops to take over. The world is wanting Russia to be polite.

Weather: The weather here was warm. I played frisbee for 30 minutes. It blew off the back of my moped and I lost it. (Or it was confiscated.) I usually do twenty minutes a day walking. (Heart exercise.)

Lunar eclipse: The eclipse is the 15th.  Today is the tenth. There was a sort of eclipse in space.
Mars was bright last night. I saw it.

The rich got richer. The poor got poorer.

Abstract. Compuheart. Half computer. Half heart.



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