The total wealth of the top twenty companies in America account for about one and a half trillion dollars out of the fifty four trillion accounted for in the U.S. economy.
That's 2/54 at best. Cargill is the biggest with 136 billion. Koch brothers are in a far second place.
The rest is mostly controlled by international corporations. Even Cargill that is a family owned business buys a lot of agricultural products from other countries. Like beef from Argentina.
There doesn't seem to be any specific ties to the political arena with these companies.
The international companies might be a different story. Let's take a look at them.
Energy and utilities mostly.
Wal -Mart is still the biggest of all- but in this study were looking for a reason that so much wealth is accumulated at the top.
So much, that it's causing problems in economic terms, regardless of the perpetual suffering and misery index.
If the economy was taxed as a single unit the taxes would be less than 2/54 of the overall economy. (Don't get mixed up with that number.) That would be somewhere between 2 and 3% of actual tax paid in the economy. When workers are paying up to 50% and some companies are also paying near 50% in taxes on revenue. Something isn't right.
The politicians make it sound like were paying a lot of tax when actually, expenditures on entitlements doesn't even amount to two cents on the dollar. That's lower than any country in the world, not higher.
It's almost like 5% of the economy is taxed at a very high rate and the rest is tax free. That's one thing.
They say American companies are taxed at a high rate. That seems to be true but it's only 1/54 of the economy earnings. At a moderate accounting of tax verse expenditures-overall. I mean economically overall. (Don't get me wrong.)
Let's look at this and then I'll get back with you , later. Probably tonight sometime.
I have to look into my designs. Here's a link to some of my work.
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