Excerpt from NBC report: (Prosecutors argued that Kercher was killed in a sex game,)
That Clears Amanda Knox-
BBC News - Kercher trial: How does DNA contamination occur?
*Excerpt from report: This concern was not his alone. There have been claims that the initial evidence was handled using dirty gloves and that investigators entered the crime scene without protective clothing.
Midwest.com Associated press writer: Alessandra Rizzo
Excerpt from report: Forensic expert Gianaristide Norelli, a witness called by the Kercher family, said the main cause of Kercher's death was suffocation.
"It is clear from the study of available statements and publicized evidence, that the body was not the primary concern of the forensics investigators."*Excerpt from report: This concern was not his alone. There have been claims that the initial evidence was handled using dirty gloves and that investigators entered the crime scene without protective clothing.
Midwest.com Associated press writer: Alessandra Rizzo
Excerpt from report: Forensic expert Gianaristide Norelli, a witness called by the Kercher family, said the main cause of Kercher's death was suffocation.
Court documents have said suffocation was caused by the hemorrhage following the neck wounds. But Norelli said suffocation was also aided "manually" by forcing the victim's mouth and nose shut and by strangling her.
The struggle was staged.
The girls body was moved into the bedroom from outside.
The knife wounds were post suffocation, not during suffocation.
Probably to get blood.
If Rudy Hermann Guede, admitted he was in the room with the girl, that night; why would he do that?
According to the police, he would have been in the bedroom with a dead girl.
Let's say he was in the room with a girl, but she wasn't Kercher.
That would suggest that Kercher was outside of the apartment/house.
The body was brought into the house and the struggle was staged to coincide with the arrival of Knox and Raffaele Sollecito .
It's not a matter of reasons or motives or extortion schemes. It is a matter of whether the body was moved into the house after death.
The answer is that it was.
That clears Amanda Knox.
End of story.
It can be readily assumed that the girls body was brought into the apartment, from the outside, after death.
The police are suspect in the movements of the girls body.
Opinion: Don Robbins Jan. 31-2014