The leader of the Chamber of Congress Commerce, (it's a new agency that just started) said he was all in for Obamacare, changing the stance on support that has been non existent in the past from the agency.
Chamber Of Commerce- Schlesinger
The idea, that the Chamber of Commerce can fix the monster of a mess called Affordable Health Care Act, is rooted in the predisposition of robbing Paul to pay Paul.
An idea that never works. It's not the tactics that matter, attempting to produce middle ground that is ripe for profiteering and political flimflamming.
The main reason he has for doing an about face on support for Obamacare is that permanent exclusions from the laws can be worked out for big business. That is apparently enough to sway the vote, so to speak, on whether or not to support the largely failing disaster.
The age old mistake of one payer systems, insurance for the people that can afford it and Welfare and Medicaid for others, didn't work in the past.
Why did politicians believe that not fixing the problems associated with that philosophy, and increasing the size and scope of the same problem, would.
Obamacare is just a larger version of what we had.
Private insurance is used to cover a small segment of the uninsured population, with subsidies. The rest of the uninsured are crammed onto Medicare, with bogus claims of coverage that isn't there.
The coverage wasn't included in the bill to begin with, but people were so saturated with confusion, half truths and deceptions about what was in the bill, it passed without many people, including the people who authored it knowing what it was in it.
Giving in to political ploys and manipulations by being positioned into a place where it becomes every man for themselves, is a typical government strategy to ensure that the political manipulation game still reigns supreme in the cesspool of specious acts that spew out of Washington on a daily basis.
The message that the Chamber of Commerce needs to understand is that they can't fix garbage. Putting most of it into the trash while some is sequestered, is like the president tempting the elitists with a form of subtle segregation.
Watching them salivate is interesting.
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