Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stabilization- Debt Interest- Invest Now To Stabilize Base-. Financial


Forget the link: Google News:
      The lead story is that Congress in Washington agrees to spending
 one point one trillion dollars until September. (That's not too bad.)
 But we still need to get the debt down to a less interest payment.

  Each year we pay a lot of interest on a debt we have from borrowing from

 ourselves and the nations who have money to lend us.
 As it is; the debt is about 17 trillion dollars. The interest payment on it is about -*(wait,
 I'll see.)=== It's about 400 to 500 billion dollars, a year. 
It can be thought of as 25 to 35 billion a month.

   Money is taken from the future to help defray the overall

 impact of the interest. Money is borrowed that doesn't exist yet.
   You will be paying for that borrowed money for the rest of your life- 
If you live that long.

  Borrowing can stimulate the economy, but too much can hurt. 
Just like in business. Sometimes it helps to borrow money for
 your business and sometimes it can hurt your credit rating.

  In the U.S. we don't want the credit rating hurt because it causes

 problems in the rest of the economy. Like when the stock market fell 
out a couple of years ago. That wasn't pleasant was it?

  The best record of advising on market investments in the history

 of the market came from this blog, beginning in 2011.
   Take some advise from an old blogger, invest now in the stock
 market and push for re-investments in companies in America.

 It's not only profitable but it needs to be done now to strengthen
 the base of the financial market.

 There has to be a stabilizing of the base now.

  The rest of the world also needs stability. American markets is one of the primary factors in world economics.
 It's OK to invest in America again.

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