I was on the floor with the woman and her child, before we walked over to the building where she worked. We were talking to her father before we left.
I saw no janitor on that floor.
When we got to her building, she went upstairs with her boy. I stayed down stairs.
I noticed that there were two men in the office: (This was after hours.)
The men in the office were wearing white shirts, with ties, black slacks.
I asked her if people were supposed to be in the building or offices. She said she didn't know.
She left to go home.
I asked security and they said to talk to them back at the other building. They were there to talk to the janitor.
I went back to the other building.
The security had already talked to the janitor.
The other janitors told me he saw something in that building.
The security told him they would look into it.
I asked them about the men in the other building.
They said they didn't think anyone was in the building, that if they were in the office that a janitor probably let them into the office.
They checked but the janitor in that building did not let them in.
Somebody did but security didn't know who.
The janitor said he saw something but I think he saw men in the other building. (Not the men in the office but someone he thought was Sandusky.) Someone he was told was Sandusky.
I never saw the janitor after we went into the building together, earlier that evening.
The woman, the janitor, and myself went into the building at the same time.
I believe that someone asked the janitor to let the men into the office in the other building.
While he was there he saw a man who they told him was Sandusky.
He did not see Sandusky in the building we went into together.
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